Welcome to the Hadoop Hero Course Repository. You can find the latest materials from the workshop here, and links for course materials from prior iterations of the course ca be found in the version pane.
- The Instructor-Resources directory contains useful scripts for redelivering this course.
- The rendered course materials are available in the Student-Resources folder.
- Class Playlist
- As your instructor, I'll also be your workshop dj. Feel free to make requests.
- Overview of HDInsight
- Examining Azure Data Lake Storage
- Application Management Through Ambari
- Fundamentals of Hive and Spark
- Tuning and Configuring Hive Jobs
- Tuning and Configuring Spark Applications
- Security in Azure Data Lake Store
- Secure Multi-User Clusters with Apache Ranger
- R Server on Spark
- Distributed Deep Learning Frameworks on Spark
- Advanced Monitoring Solutions with Operations Management Suite (OMS)
- Hackathon
Contributions in any form are appreciated and encouraged! If you find errors, please submit an Issue or, for brownie/beer points, create a pull request with a fix!
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.