It is simple circle chart component, based on SVG. Online demo.
You can install manually or either by using npm:
npm install circle-chart
Simple donut chart:
new CircleChart({
$container: document.getElementById('donut'),
ringProportion: 0.42,
middleCircleColor: '#BDBDBD',
background: '#D1C4E9',
definition: [
{label: 'Poznan', name: 'poznan', cls: 'poznan', value: 1},
{label: 'Warszawa', name: 'warszawa', color: '#D84315', value: 1},
{label: 'Srem', name: 'srem', cls: 'srem', value: 1},
{label: 'Gdansk', name: 'gdansk', cls: 'gdansk', value: 1}
- container - Chart container, for example a div
- size - Radius of the circle. In default it takes width of the container
- staticTotal - If set to true, total value will be not calculated. It will be taken from total option. Default - false.
- total - Chart total value. In default it is calculated from data.
- ringProportion - Middle circle proportion to container size. It is used with donut charts only.
- middleCircleColor - Middle circle bacground color. In default it will add only circle-chart-background-empty to the path.
- background - Bacground of the chart. In default it will add circle-chart-background to the circle.
- animated - If set to true chart will be animated. Default - true.
- speed - Speed of the animation. Default 1.
- durration - Sleep time duration between chart's path update. In ms, default - 10.
- tooltips - If set to true tooltips will be displayed on click. Default - false.
- definition - Array of chart paths definition. It contains objects with:
- label - Label of the path
- name - Name of the attribute in data object
- cls - Path's css class name
- color - Path's color.
- value - Initial value
- onAfterRender - Triggered when the chart render.
- onUpdateStart - Triggered before start updating chart.
- onUpdateEnd - Triggered after update chart.
- onPathClick - Triggered on path click.
- update(data) - It is update chart values. Data is an object with values defined according to definition.
var updateChart = new CircleChart({
$container: document.getElementById('update-chart'),
ringProportion: 0.42,
middleCircleColor: '#BDBDBD',
background: '#D1C4E9',
tooltips: true,
definition: [
{label: 'Poznan', name: 'poznan', cls: 'poznan', value: 1},
{label: 'Warszawa', name: 'warszawa', color: '#D84315', value: 1},
{label: 'Srem', name: 'srem', cls: 'srem', value: 1},
{label: 'Gdansk', name: 'gdansk', cls: 'gdansk', value: 1}
document.querySelector('#update-chart-trigger').addEventListener('click', function(e){
poznan: 10,
warszawa: 1,
srem: 8,
gdansk: 0
- setTotal(value) - Set total value of the chart.
Clone repository and:
npm install