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Commands and syntax

Mirko Conti edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Simple adding

<command_to_save> #[<tag> [#<tag> ...]][@<description>]

Adding without execution

f --add <command> #[<tag> [#<tag> ...]][@<description>]


# <command_to_save> #[<tag> [#<tag> ...]][@<description>]

Note: the latter is not available with zsh

Simple search

f [<filter>]

OR search: match any row where at least one of the following conditions is true:

  • the filter words are contained in the command
  • the filter words are contained in the tags list
  • the filter words are contained in the description

Advanced search

f [<filter>] [#<tag_filter> ...] [@<description_filter>]

AND search: match any rows where all the following conditions are true:

  • the filter words are contained in the command OR tags OR description
  • the tag_filter words are contained in the tag list
  • the description_filter words contained in the description

Export database

f --export [<output_name>]
  • the output is the file name of the output database (this parameter is optional)

Import external database

f --import <input_name>
  • the input_name is the file name of the input database (e.g. fastHistory_2019-03-23.db)

Change fastHistory configuration

f --config

Force a fastHistory setup to fix possible issues

f --setup

this may be needed if you install zsh after fastHistory

Check fastHistory version

f --version

Update fastHistory

f --update

Show fastHistory help

f --help

Copy-to-clipboard (available from 2.2.2)

 1. `f`
 2. select command
 3. 'ctrl+space'