This code supports a series of blog articles about optimal decision-making, available at
With mill installed, you can run the script with
./mill Decisions
and this will reproduce the blog analyses listed in the main
method from Decisions/src/Recipes.scala
This repository is only meant to be a learning aid - use at your own risk.
The Tradeoff
class supports uncalibrated decision-making using common approaches based on the Bayes decision rule or ROC analysis (though the two are linked, see part 2 ;) ).
starts from raw scores and the ground truth, then applies transforms to get basic probability estimates like class-dependent cumulative distribution functions, which enable evaluations. Having the same interface for multiple evaluations helps me see the connections between them, which is my main motivation for starting from first principles.
Classes that inherit from ErrorEstimator
support calibrated decision-making and closely follows PYLLR. It would be interesting to rewrite it using a more scala-esque approach.
To run tests
./mill Decisions.test
Random seed set a the probability_monad level for repeatibility:
object RepeatableDistribution extends Distributions(new scala.util.Random(54321))
APE tests are located in ErrorEstimator
, which confirms that outputs ber outputs are similar to outputs from PYLLR.
Load all code base in ammonite with
./mill -i -w Decisions.repl
Note: had to upgrade to latest Mill version to avoid REPL errors.
mill also allows predef files to run scripts but these won't have the project modules in scope so had to copy paste.
./mill Decisions.reformat
- Univariate functions
- Univariate Optimizer
- Goal Type
- Brent Optimizer,%20double)
- Search Interval
- Examples of Brent optimizer usage
- Scipy equivalent
- By default Plotly.plot export generates a cdn in the "script" tags at the top of the file, which creates a layout issue in jekyll. A Mill task parses the html to replace the cdn with a simple string.
- This simple replacement sovles the problem in Jekyll, where the plotly output is called as an embedded HTML using "include". The plotly cdn is now referenced in the jekyll parent layout. When the cdn is defined in the plotly output, it overrides the jekyll parent layout.
- I think a cleaner approach would generate a plotly html without the cdn, as explained here. I tried saving with
(see docs) but that didn't work. There must be a better way, however, I don't have the patience/interest to dig further