This wrapper script is meant to be called via the starccm+ software via the -rsh flag.
Its purpose is to separate the arguments for ssh and the commands sent to the remote system.
Once done it will insert the singularity exec starccm.img
command into the ssh call to the system.
This is the command to execute starccm+ in parallel on all compute nodes in nodelist
singularity exec \
/data/singularity/starccm.img \
/opt/CD-adapco/12.04.011/STAR-CCM+12.04.011/star/bin/starccm+ \
-power \
-rsh ssh \
-np 4 \
-machinefile nodelist \
-batch run \
-load singleRow.sim
The problem with this is that when starccm+ uses its built in mpi to start jobs on the compute nodes, it does not know to start the singularity container on the compute node before calling starccm+.
To get around this, the above command needs to be changed to the following:
singularity exec \
/data/singularity/starccm.img \
/opt/CD-adapco/12.04.011/STAR-CCM+12.04.011/star/bin/starccm+ \
-power \
-np 4 \
-machinefile nodelist \
-batch run \
-load singleRow.sim
where the ssh-wrapper script is downloaded from this repository.