A NativeScript module for implementing batch operations.
This module is part of nativescript-toolbox.
- Android
- iOS
tns plugin add nativescript-batch
inside your app project to install the module.
import Batch = require("nativescript-batch");
export function startBatch() {
Batch.newBatch(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("Running 1st operation...");
}).complete(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("1st operation completed.");
.success(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("1st operation succeeded.");
.error(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("ERROR in operation " + (ctx.index + 1) + ": " + ctx.error);
.then(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("Running second operation...");
}).complete(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("Second operation completed.");
.success(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("Second operation succeeded.");
.error(function(ctx) {
ctx.log("ERROR in operation " + (ctx.index + 1) + ": " + ctx.error);
The full documentation can be found on readme.io.
Each batch starts with an empty Observable
and an empty ObservableArray
that are submitted to each execution context of a callback.
These objects can be used in any View like a ListView or a Label, e.g.
An example of a code-behind:
import Frame = require("ui/frame");
import {Observable} from "data/observable";
import Batch = require("nativescript-batch");
export function startBatch(args) {
var button = args.object;
var label = Frame.topmost().getViewById('my-label');
var listView = Frame.topmost().getViewById('my-listview');
var batch = Batch.newBatch(function(ctx) {
// set 'labelText' property of 'bindingContext'
// of 'label'
// this is the same object as
// in 'batch.object'
ctx.object.set("labelText", "Operation #1");
// add item for 'bindingContext'
// object of 'listView'
// this is the same object as
// in 'batch.items'
text: "Operation #1 executed"
.then(function(ctx) {
ctx.object.set("labelText", "Operation #2");
text: "Operation #2 executed"
var listViewVM = new Observable();
listViewVM.set("batchItems", batch.items);
label.bindingContext = batch.object;
listView.bindingContext = listViewVM;
The declaration of the underlying view:
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd">
<GridLayout rows="64,*">
<Button row="0" text="Start"
tap="{{ startBatch }}" />
<Label id="my-label"
text="{{ labelText }}" />
<ListView id="my-listview"
items="{{ batchItems }}">
<Label text="{{ text }}" />