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LRA Axon connector quickstart

This project demonstrating usage of LRA Axon connector in Axon based services. Thanks to that, the Axon Aggregates can join the active LRA context and they can be managed by LRA coordinator. GitHub Logo


The quickstart consists of five services that represent reservation systems. It represents a business process that books a trip that consists of flight and hotel reservations. The hotel reservation is extended with making hotel's car reservation and a cinema ticket reservation. The booking trip service is the leading service where the LRA is started.

Project structure

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Sequence diagram

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Package with the common API. The package contains all necessary Commands, Events and Queries use in Axon services. For simplified, the classes are provided in one Kotlin file.

Hotel service

The hotel service has exposed JAX-RS endpoints and using LRA annotations. It is updated service from hotel-service-axon repository. The hotel service can be joined to the LRA context in LRA quickstart by narayana-lra.


Vehicle rent service

The vehicle rent service has two aggregates, Car and Van. The service uses Spring REST.


Cinema ticket service

The cinema ticket service has only one aggregate and doesn't have any explicit REST endpoints. (only from Axon LRA connector)


How to run

1. Build Axon LRA connector

The services uses Axon LRA connector to join into LRA. First, it is needs to add it to local repository.

git clone
cd lra-axon-connector
mvn clean install

2. Build example microservices

git clone
cd axon-microservices-example
mvn clean package

3a. Set up via Docker compose up

First, it is needed to copy generated Thorntail services (jar files) from Narayana LRA quickstart to the particular folders lraResources/flight and lraResources/trip.

cp <NARAYANA_QUICKSTARTS>flight-service/target/lra-test-thorntail.jar <microservices-parent>/lraResources/flight/
cp <NARAYANA_QUICKSTARTS>trip-controller/target/lra-test-thorntail.jar <microservices-parent>/lraResources/trip/

After that, run the command:

docker-compose up

During starting, the errors can appear in the log. It is due to the fact, that Axon Server is not ready yet but Axon services want to connect to it. When the Axon services are successfully connected to the Axon server, you will see AxonServerEventStore : open stream: 0 in the log.

3b. Set up manually

Each service should run in a separate window, we will use the logs for the explanation use case.

docker run -it --rm --name my-axon-server -p 8024:8024 -p 8124:8124 axoniq/axonserver:4.2
java -jar <lraCoordinator> -Dswarm.http.port=8080
java -jar lraResources/flight/lra-test-thorntail.jar -Dswarm.http.port=8083 -Dlra.http.port=8080
java -jar lraResources/trip/lra-test-thorntail.jar -Dswarm.http.port=8084 -Dlra.http.port=8080
java -jar cinema-service-axon/target/cinema-service-1.0.jar -Dlra.http.port=8080
java -jar vehicle-rent-service-axon/target/vehicle-rent-service-1.0.jar -Dlra.http.port=8080
java -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true" -jar hotel-service-axon/target/hotel-service-1.0.jar  -Dlra.http.port=8080 

4. Client Example

Open logs for every service. The containers in the docker are named so for showing logs use:

docker logs -f lra-coordinator
docker logs -f flight
docker logs -f trip
docker logs -f axon-server
docker logs -f hotel
docker logs -f vehlicle
docker logs -f cinema

Create a reservation

4.1.a By client

I highly recommend to use trip-client which is provided by Narayana LRA quickstart:

mvn -f trip-client/pom.xml exec:java"localhost" -Dservice.http.port=8084
4.1.b Manually

Alternatively, you can call the trip service manually. For create a trip reservation, you can call the trip service endpoint:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8084/?hotelName=TheGrand&flightNumber1=BA123&flightNumber2=RH456

After that, for confirm trip, you can call the trip service endpoint:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8084/<TRIP_ID>

The trip id is a URL, so it needs to be encoded (e.g. by After that, the command can look:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8084/http%3A%2F%2Flra-coordinator%3A8080%2Flra-coordinator%2F0_ffffac140002_-6ee968a1_5de2c294_4c

To cancel trip:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8084/<TRIP_ID>

Create a reservation

Create a trip reservation by the trip client or manually but don't confirm it.

After that, you can see in the lra-coordinator http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator that new LRA context exist (bookTrip).

Trip service

The prepared trip with all reservations can be seen here: http://localhost:8084/ . You can see that all reservation are provisioned (but still not confirmed)

Flight service

You can see the flight reservations here http://localhost:8083/ .

Hotel service

You can see the hotel reservation here http://localhost:8082/hotel

We can see in the hotel service log, that the CommandDispatchInterceptor adds LRA context to all commands (CreateCar, CreateVan, CreateTicket) which they send to the bus:

2019-11-30 19:55:45.133 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.m.l.l.a.i.c.CommandDispatchInterceptor : The method from which the command is dispatching contains LRA context. The context is added to the metadata. Context is [http://lra-coordinator:8080/lra-coordinator/0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1b]
2019-11-30 19:55:45.158 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.m.l.l.a.i.c.CommandDispatchInterceptor : The method from which the command is dispatching contains LRA context. The context is added to the metadata. Context is [http://lra-coordinator:8080/lra-coordinator/0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1b]
2019-11-30 19:55:45.265 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.m.l.l.a.i.c.CommandDispatchInterceptor : The method from which the command is dispatching contains LRA context. The context is added to the metadata. Context is [http://lra-coordinator:8080/lra-coordinator/0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1b]
Vehicle service

You can see the vehicle reservation for each entity here http://localhost:8085/car and http://localhost:8085/van

Also, the http://localhost:8085/axonLra/aggregateInfo shows us which participant methods are available for each aggregate in the service. This information is necessary to join to LRA.

In the log, we can see that before the command is handled, the CommandHandlerInterceptor looks to the arrived command and since the @LRAContext field is not present, the LRA context is used from the command metadata. The same situation happens for Van entity.

2019-11-30 19:55:44.994 DEBUG 6 --- [mandProcessor-0] o.m.l.l.a.i.c.CommandHandlerInterceptor  : JoinLRA annotation is found in the command: [org.axonframework.axonserver.connector.command.GrpcBackedCommandMessage@1485b02].
Security framework of XStream not initialized, XStream is probably vulnerable.
2019-11-30 19:55:45.018 DEBUG 6 --- [mandProcessor-0] o.m.l.l.a.i.c.CommandHandlerInterceptor  : Context Field is not present, the context is used from metadata.
2019-11-30 19:55:45.021  INFO 6 --- [mandProcessor-0] o.m.l.a.m.vehicle.command.Car            : handling CreateCarCmd(id=0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1bCAR, name=TheGrandCar, status=PROVISIONAL, type=Car)

Next in the log, we can see URLs for the participant methods. The null is for participant methods that are not present.

2019-11-30 19:55:45.517 DEBUG 6 --- [ehicle.query]-0] o.m.l.l.a.i.e.EventHandlerInterceptor    : URLs for join:
Forget: null
Leave: null

Cinema service

The cinema service doesn't have exposed REST endpoint (it represents service without REST endpoints).

However, the LRA Axon connector provides information about participant methods on http://localhost:8086/axonLra/aggregateInfo

The log contains similar information as for Vehicle service.

4.2.1 Confirm trip

Now, you can confirm the trip. (Type n to the trip client) The lra-coordinator is going to start contact all participants.

After that, you can see in the lra-coordinator http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator that the LRA is still there but it is in Closing state because of some participants (Van and Car) have not completed yet.

When we look on hotel reservation http://localhost:8082/hotel , we can see that the ticket reservation is CONFIRMED but the car and the van reservation are still confirming. It is because they participant methods return ParticipantStatus.Completing status, which means, that the participants have not completed all necessary actions yet and the lra-coordinator tries to complete it later.

Vehicle service

In the log, we can see that the lra-coordinator contact the LRA Axon connector to complete the participant. The LRA Axon connector contacts the Car aggregate by LRACompleteCommand. Aggregate returns the ParticipantStatus.Completing because it has not been completed yet. The LRA Axon connector processes the result and returns it to the lra-coordinator.

2019-11-30 20:26:21.218 DEBUG 6 --- [io-8085-exec-10]  : AXON LRA connector COMPLETE endpoint was called for aggregate id: 0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1bCAR
2019-11-30 20:26:21.225 DEBUG 6 --- [io-8085-exec-10]  : The result of command is going to be processed
2019-11-30 20:26:21.226 DEBUG 6 --- [io-8085-exec-10]  : PROCESS RESULT: The result type is ParticipantStatus but still in Compensating/Completing state

The same situation happens for Van.

After 1-2minutes, the lra-coordinator contact the LRA Axon connector to check whether the participant is already complete or not. Since the participant provided the status method, the lra-coordinator contact status LRA Axon connector endpoint. The LRA Axon connector contacts the Car aggregate by LRAStatusCommand. Aggregate returns the ParticipantStatus.Completed status which means that it is completed.

2019-11-30 20:26:43.963 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8085-exec-3]  : AXON LRA connector STATUS endpoint was called for aggregate id: 0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1bCAR
2019-11-30 20:26:43.966 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8085-exec-3]  : The result of command is going to be processed
2019-11-30 20:26:43.967 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8085-exec-3]  : PROCESS RESULT: The result type is ParticipantStatus

The same situation happens for Van.

After that, the LRA is closed and is not present in the lra-coordinator http://localhost:8080/lra-coordinator

We can also see that when the LRA is closed, the lra-coordinator contacts the car participant because it provided the AfterLRA method.

2019-11-30 20:26:43.977 DEBUG 6 --- [nio-8085-exec-4]  : AXON LRA connector AFTER endpoint was called for aggregate id: 0_ffffac140004_40ea60b1_5de2c859_1bCAR

When we look after that on hotel reservation http://localhost:8082/hotel , we see that all reservation is already confirmed.

4.2.2 Cancel

When you cancel the reservation instead of confirming, the compensation methods are invoked instead.


Quickstart for Axon LRA connector






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