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Part 2 directing search queries to topics

Aurelie Herbelot edited this page Apr 4, 2020 · 1 revision

By now, we should have k categories (corresponding to the work of k students), and the raw Wikipedia text corresponding to those categories, as output by WikiExtractor. The raw text will be stored in different folder of the data/categories directory, under a file called linear.txt.

Our next goal is to see how we can map incoming search queries to each category. The point of this is that, as our search engine grows (to potentially millions, or billions of pages), it would be very inefficient to try and find the answer to a movie-related query in our "gecko and other lizards" category. We want to narrow things down.

The repository now contains scripts to compute character ngram frequencies for each category. You can run it doing:

python3 [ngram-size]

For instance,

python3 6

will create a file in each subfolder of data/categories, showing a sorted list of ngrams of size 6.

We probably want several ngram sizes. So re-run the script for size 4-6, for instance.

Next, we will want to compute the td-idf of each ngram in each category. You can do this by running:


This will create a tf_idfs.txt file in each category subfolder. In addition, the script captures the 100 ngrams with highest tf-idf for each category and uses them to generate a set of features, saved in the file data/vocab.txt. In essence, what we are doing here is simple feature selection, based on the highest-ranked ngrams across categories.

Now that we have our features, we can build vector representations for each category. If we have ended up with, say, 1500 features in our feature selection step, we will build 1500-dimensional vectors to represent each category, with each component of a vector set to the tf-idf of the relevant dimensions for that category. As an example, if actor is the 16th dimension in our 1500-dimensional space, and category russian_language_films has a tf-idf of 1.147e-05 for that ngram, then dimension 16 will be set to that number in the russian_language_film vector.

You can create your category vectors with


And now... finally. The test! The file query_file.txt contains a set of queries (massaged to match the 2020 categories you have extracted!) You can add to that file, one query per line. We want to see whether the system finds the right category for each query. Run the following:

python3 query_file.txt

and you will return a ranked list of categories for each query. You of course want to most relevant categories at the top.

Play with the script, and with adding queries to the file. What works, what doesn't? Why?

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