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Configs and READMEs for Rhodes CS JupyterHub deployment

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Rhodes Jupyter Environment

Welcome to the Rhodes JupyterHub environment! This document contains:

  1. An overview of JupyterHub and the JupyterHub-on-Kubernetes architecture.
  2. Information for faculty users of the JupyterHub environment.
  3. Information about how to configure and maintain the environment.
  4. Troubleshooting information.
  5. Documentation of the initial cluster design.

Here are some quick links, a full table of contents follows:

Table of Contents

(Created by gh-md-toc)

Cluster Architecture and Deployment

First, a brief overview of how JupyterHub works:

  • There is a JupyterHub process running to manage single-user Jupyter servers. Users connect to this process and authenticate. After authenticating, a Jupyter server is spawned for that user.
  • When users are running notebooks or managing their files, etc., they are communicating directly with their server.
  • The main JupyterHub process can cull inactive servers, be used for server administration for admin users, etc.

In the Rhodes CS GCP project, there is a Kubernetes cluster running the JupyterHub deployment for the program. Kubernetes is a tool for running and managing containers (in our case, Docker containers) on a cluster of physical machines.

If you are not familiar with containers, think of them as lightweight virtual machines. A container image is the "disk image" for that VM, containing the binaries that the virtual machine will run, the filesystem, etc.

In this cluster, there is a set of nodes/"physical" machines (GCE VMs) that is running the main JupyterHub server. When a user logs in, a user server is spawned by JupyterHub. This is a container running the Jupyter server.

If there is not enough physical resources to run the user server, another node is added to the cluster. When user servers time out and are reaped, creating idle resources, these nodes are given back to GCE.

Users' home directories are stored on GCE persistent disks that are attached to their containers when the containers are started. There is more detail about this later in the document.

The JupyterHub deployment is configured in two ways:

  • The Helm chart that configures the JupyterHub application. Helm is package manager for Kubernetes. A Helm chart is a configuration of Kubernetes processes/resources. We use the chart template provided by the JupyterHub project (the repository is here), which configures the JupyterHub server, the network proxy, etc.

    We supply values to fill in this template and customize our deployment of JupyterHub (config/config.yaml). This configuration includes which docker container to run, how many resources should be provided to a server, how authentication works, etc.

  • The Docker container images that run user servers. The Jupyter project maintains a set of container images. We layer some libraries on top of the Jupyter scipy stack for COMP141 and therefore have a custom container image for COMP141. This is configured in config/Dockerfile.comp141 and is hosted in the GCP project here with the name

    In this guide, there are instructions for configuring, building, and pushing custom container images.

Authentication is done via OneLogin. We have integrated with the Rhodes OneLogin production instance so that students and faculty can log in using their Rhodes credentials. The cluster is open to all Rhodes students, though we plan to clean up storage periodically.

Teaching in the environment


Students and faculty use Rhodes OneLogin to log into their accounts. All Rhodes students have access to the cluster.

On first login, a user's storage is initialized. Note that student work is stored on separate disks; by default, the instructor cannot access the student filesystem, except through using the admin panel (although you can manually mount a student's disk, see this section for more information).

Starting/restarting your server

If you want to start or stop your server once logged in, click on "Control Panel" -- this will let you stop your currently-running server, and then restart it. You may need to advise students to do this if they haven't restarted in a long time and need to pick up library/file changes.

Accessing student servers

Students may need help with their environment, or you may need to peek at student work.

To access a student server, you have to be an administrator (configured in config/config.yaml). To access the admin panel, click "Control Panel" then "Admin" in the header bar of the environment. Here, you can see all student accounts and servers. Click "access server" to access a student's server (you can also start or stop student servers from here as well).

Note that even though there's a scary "authorize" button, your activity is not visible to the student.

Distributing Files to Students

For Fall '23: All users automatically sync this Github repo on server start.

The deployment is configured to automatically update Rhodes-specific libraries when a user logs in, by running pip install on this repository.

Distributing files to students is done by using nbgitpuller, a tool that automatically syncs files in a user's directory with a GitHub repository. The tool is smart enough to do conflict resolution and hides the machinery of cloning/updating a repo from the student.

To distribute a repository to a student, first make the repository public and generate a URL for nbgitpuller using this generator. Some configuration has been pre-populated. The generated url can then be distributed to students (e.g., through Canvas).

It is also possible to configure JupyterHub to automatically run nbgitpuller when a user's server starts. Instructions are here.

Working with GitHub and nbgitpuller

WARNING: It is a best practice to not delete or rename files in git after they have been cloned by students. The merge behavior for gitpuller is permissive, but has difficulty resolving some conflicts, particularly conflicts where a file has been created/renamed in one branch and deleted in another. For your sanity, don't move or remove files after they are in students' hands! See Known issues, particularly #5. END WARNING

Then, make sure you clone the repo to a separate directory than the nbgitpuller synced one (currently comp141-fa23):

$ git clone comp141-development

When making local changes to be reviewed/to shared resources, use a branch:

$ git checkout -b <my local branch>
$ git commit -m 'my changes'
$ git push --set-upstream origin <my local branch> # use your token to login if using 2fa
$ git checkout main
$ git pull

If you had changes in main but wanted to actually be working in a branch:

$ git stash # stash changes
$ git checkout -b <branch>
$ git stash pop # unstash changes in new branch

COMP141 libraries

We use Rhodes-specific Python libraries for many assignments, which can be found in this repo.

In order to reduce startup time, these libraries are installed in the Docker image, rather than on server start. This means that changes to the 141 libraries require a rebuild of the Docker image and a version tag update followed by a helm upgrade.

Additional libraries

If you want to use additional libraries for your course, they must be added to the server docker image. Please file an issue for the student admins to install the library on the deployed image, or follow the instructions in the Customizing the Docker Image section.

Integrating with okpy

We use okpy for student notebook submissions. Since okpy only supports Google for authentication, students need to log in to okpy with a Google account. In the past, we had students create Google accounts that corresponded to their Rhodes email (see here, for example) in order to access the environment. Since we have moved to OneLogin, students no longer do this.

You can still require students to do so, or you can collect email accounts from them. Then, you can use a setup like this for students in your course:

Using multiple okpy endpoints

Okpy is difficult to use with multiple instructors in the same course shell. However, okpy config files require a course shell endpoint in order to submit student work. The c1.notebooks library in the comp141-libraries allows instructors to distribute a template okpy config file with assigments.

Instead of distributing a foo.ok config file for assignment foo, instructors will distribute a template file. The COMP141 library will create the correct foo.ok config file from the template.

Template files must be named .template.ok (notice the .) and can contain an endpoint placeholder value (<#endpoint#>). For example:

  "name": "Program 08",
  "endpoint": "<#endpoint#>/project08",
  "src": [
  "tests": {
      "tests/q*.py": "ok_test"
  "protocols": [

This allows for course instructors to distribute a single template file per project/lab, and for students to fill in the endpoint for their specific instructor (allowing multiple instructors to have different endpoints).

The endpoint options should be JSON-encoded and can be distributed in a file named .options or will be pulled from the following url:

When a student runs the ok_login code...

from cs1.notebooks import *

they will be prompted to select an endpoint and the file p8.ok will be dropped in the directory with the correct endpoint.

Endpoint selection is cached and will be used to automatically populate future template assignments (e.g., this needs to be done once per semester).

See this PR for more info.

Tips for authoring assignments

  • It is preferable to use the cs1.notebooks wrapper for a lot of things, it automates logging the student in if they are logged out.
  • Use the lock cells feature to lock cells you don't want students to edit.
  • Use dependent cell execution if you want to make sure that cells are executed in a certain order (e.g., an earlier cell is a precondition for a later one).

Configuring the environment

Configure your local environment for administration

  1. Install gcloud via its install page and log in to the Rhodes CS project.

    gcloud init
    gcloud config set project rhodes-cs
    gcloud auth login

    You should have received an email when I added you to the Rhodes GCP project. Use that email to log in.

  2. Install kubectl by running gcloud components install kubectl.

  3. Generate a kubeconfig entry for the JupyterHub cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials jupyter --zone=us-central1-a

    This will allow you to control the cluster with the kubectl command line tool. You can read the explanation here.

  4. Give your account permissions to perform all admin actions necessary by running ./scripts/ your-google-account (one time).

  5. Install Docker.

  6. Run gcloud auth configure-docker in order to be able to push to

  7. Install Helm following the instruction here, or on MacOS, run brew install helm if you are using homebrew.

Configuring JupyterHub

config/confg.yaml contains the config for the JupyterHub instance. Any configuration changes for the cluster should modify this file.

Note that your helm version must be at least 3.2 in order to be compatible with the current JupyterHub helm chart.

  1. One time set up: Make Helm aware of the JupyterHub Helm chart repo:

    helm repo add jupyterhub
  2. When you want to update the config, pull the latest changes from the helm repo.

    helm repo update
  3. Tokens: No secrets are stored in this repo; all tokens should be stored elsewhere in a values.yaml file. The path to this file is a parameter to (the next step).

  4. Now, to push changes to config.yaml to the cluster, run helm upgrade using the included script:

    ./scripts/ -s=path/to/secrets.yaml -d

    Note that the -d flag indicates tha this is a dry run and only the config will be printed. To actually run the update, remove -d.

    This is the step that actually installs JupyterHub, so it might take a little bit.

    Warning: This will create a brief outage where the service is unavailable, so don't make config changes frequently.

Customizing the Docker image

As you can see in config/config.yaml under the singleuser node, we use a custom Docker container with tools installed that we want.

The Docker container used for COMP141 user servers is defined in config/Dockerfile.comp141. Any changes to the user's image must be made by editing this file.

Make sure that you have installed Docker.

In config/Dockerfile.comp141, make the desired changes.

Then, when you want to build and push the image, run:

./scripts/ comp141

This script will do the Docker build and prompt whether you want to push the newly-built image.

If you choose to test locally and push later, you can run the following to continue the push.

./scripts/ comp141

Important: Don't forget to update config.yaml with the new version tag and run to push the config.

Testing locally

You can confirm that the image was updated with docker image ls.

To test the container image locally, you can run the Docker image with the following (the -p flag forwards the container's port 8888 to the local port 8888):

docker run -p 8888:8888 nb_server_comp141

If you want to do development of course materials or libraries that are stored locally, you can mount your local filesystem to the user home directory on the locally-running container image with the following.

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /path/to/dir/to/mount:/home/jovyan/work nb_server_comp141

If you are developing libraries and experimenting with them in a notebook, it is helpful to auto-reload them on changes:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Manual building and pushing

Note: It is preferrable to use the scripts scripts/ for building and pushing Docker images! Only do this if you know what you're doing.

To build the image:

docker build -t nb_server_comp141 -f config/Dockerfile.comp141 config/

Pushing the image to GCP

Next we need to publish the image to the Rhodes container registry, so that Kubernetes will start pulling the new image.

If you haven't configured Docker for GCP container registry, run the following:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Now, choose a release candidate version for the new image. The version should be of the form YYYY_MM_DDrcVV where VV is used for multiple versions per day (start with 00).

docker tag nb_server_comp141:latest$RC_VERSION
docker image ls
docker push$RC_VERSION

Now you should see the container when you run gcloud container images list. Additionally, you should see the the new release candidate tag when you run gcloud container images list-tags

gcloud container images list-tags
DIGEST        TAGS                   TIMESTAMP
48d50b385e28  2020_02_16rc01,latest  2021-02-16T15:54:46
fde1b612abad                         2021-02-14T18:06:17
e05babc291c6                         2021-01-24T21:32:16
6d4d44ff86d5                         2020-12-19T18:13:00

Creating and using other images

If you would like to create additional images for students to use (e.g., for different courses, create a new Dockerfile in config/ with the appropriate suffix.

Then, follow the same procedure for building/deploying above, but use the new suffix.

The first time this is done, you will have to follow the TODO in config.yaml using the instructions here.

Regular maintainence

Cleaning user profiles

In the scripts/tools/ directory there is a script for culling idle profiles. This can be used to delete users between semesters. Culling a user will also clean the PVC, which in turn will enable Kubernetes to reap their disk (so, removing a user eventually remove their storage).

Updating between semesters

The general outline for updating between semesters is the following:

  1. Create a new monorepo for course content.
  2. Update the JupyterHub config to pull the new monorepo on server start.
  3. Update the Helm chart to pickup any new release (optional).
  4. Rebuild the Docker image to pick up any library updates.
  5. Push your changes to deploy.
  6. Update the public options.json file.

#44 is an example of an update for a new semester.

Creating and syncing a new monorepo

The current method for delivering content is to have a monorepo that is synced upon server startup (see the distributing files section for discussion of how this works).

For a new semester, we create a single monorepo for the semester (e.g., summer '22, spring '22, etc.). The only config change required for this is to update postStart lifecycle hook in config/config.yaml to pull the new repo.

Updating the Helm chart version

The JupyerHub Helm chart repository lists the stable and dev releases. To update the hub version, select a version, follow the instructions for configuring your environment to sync the chart repo and then update the --version flag in scripts/ with the desired version.

Rebuilding the Docker image

Follow the instructions here to configure and push the Docker image.

Note that this pulls in the latest release of jupyter/scipy-notebook, so performing this regularly keeps the actual Jupyter version up to date. It also pulls in any security updates for the underlying Ubuntu container. See the Docker stacks documentation for details on the Jupyter Docker images.

Make sure to bump the version number in config/config.yaml to select the new image release.

Push changes

Run scripts/ -s=PATH_TO_SECRETS.yaml to deploy!

Update options.json

The options.json file lists the okpy paths where student submissions should be sent. It can be viewed publicly at []. It needs to be updated to show the current instructors of the course, and to use the current semester.

Example contents:

	"Cowan": "rhodes/cs141-cowan/fa24",
	"King": "rhodes/cs141-king/fa24",
	"Welsh": "rhodes/cs141-welsh/fa24"

Process for updating:

  1. Download the current options.json file: gcloud storage cp gs://comp141-public/options.json ..
  2. Edit the downloaded options.json file.
  3. Upload the modified options.json file: gcloud storage cp options.json gs://comp141-public/options.json.
  4. Check that options.json has been updated by navigating to [].

Troubleshooting and Administration

Viewing the cluster

You can use the kubectl command line tool to view the cluster state, or you can use the GCP UI. In the jupyter cluster, you can view the provisioned nodes, and persistent disks.

kubectl verbs

kubectl has a few verbs that one should know in order to view and debug a cluster:

  • kubectl get [api-resource] -- list objects of type api-resource (use kubectl api-resources to list them all). The main ones for our purposes are service, deployment, pod, and node.
  • kubectl describe [api-resource] [resource-name] -- view details for the particular resource (or all resources of the given type, if no resource name is given), including events.
  • kubectl logs [pod-name] -- view logs (STDOUT) for a particular pod.
  • kubectl exec [pod-name] -- [command] -- run a command within the given pod. Add the -ti flags to exec to run an interactive command (e.g., bash).
  • kubectl proxy -- open a proxy to the cluster to access the cluster API and the API of all resources (through http verbs).

Expected/example state


[lang@eschaton ~]$ kubectl -n jhub get service
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S) AGE
hub            ClusterIP   <none>           8081/TCP 4h19m
proxy-api      ClusterIP   <none>           8001/TCP 4h19m
proxy-http     ClusterIP    <none>           8000/TCP 73m
proxy-public   LoadBalancer 443:31835/TCP,80:32140/TCP   4h19m

Services are conceptual APIs with an endpoint, and are how different applications within the same k8s cluster can find and communicate with one another. A service can be backed by one or more containers/pods. In our deployment, the only services are those for the hub itself (pointing to the hub deployment) and the JupyterHub API and HTTP proxies that proxy traffic for a particular user to a particular server (both pointing to the proxy deployment).

Anything that will be exposed to the outside world requires a service. Here, only the public proxy is exposed publically. This proxy will route HTTPS to internal services (i.e., hub traffic to the hub and user traffic to user servers).

The proxy-public service points to autohttps, which is running Traefik to route requests to internal services.

Note that services no not correspond 1:1 with pods or even deployments. Services use labels and selectors to match pods.


[lang@eschaton ~]$ kubectl -n jhub get deployment
autohttps        1/1     1            1           73m
hub              1/1     1            1           4h20m
proxy            1/1     1            1           4h20m
user-scheduler   2/2     2            2           4h20m

A deployment is a set of replicas of pods. In this configuration, we have one replica in each deployment, except for two pods for the user to node scheduler, which are running leader election.


A pod is an instance of a running container (or set of grouped containers). Each pod is assigned a single IP address and can be thought of conceptually as a single virtual machine. Pods run on "physical" VMs called nodes, with multiple pods per node. You can see the restrictions on co-residency in config/config.yaml.

[lang@eschaton ~/dsrc/jupyter]$ kubectl -n jhub get pod -o wide
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP          NODE                                     NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
autohttps-b59c8d84f-8hnzz         2/2     Running   0          43h   gke-jupyter-default-pool-23a4322a-qdpl   <none>           <none>
continuous-image-puller-4hjxt     1/1     Running   0          2d    gke-jupyter-user-pool-175a3536-chnf      <none>           <none>
hub-6cc79f5bb-wp794               1/1     Running   0          45h   gke-jupyter-default-pool-23a4322a-qdpl   <none>           <none>
jupyter-langma-40gmail-2ecom      1/1     Running   0          2m34s   gke-jupyter-user-pool-175a3536-chnf      <none>           <none>
proxy-5784b6b988-568ct            1/1     Running   0          2d   gke-jupyter-default-pool-23a4322a-qdpl   <none>           <none>
user-placeholder-0                1/1     Running   0          2d    gke-jupyter-user-pool-175a3536-chnf      <none>           <none>
user-placeholder-1                1/1     Running   0          2d    gke-jupyter-user-pool-175a3536-chnf      <none>           <none>
user-placeholder-2                1/1     Running   0          2d    gke-jupyter-user-pool-175a3536-chnf      <none>           <none>
user-scheduler-7588c8977d-9n9z4   1/1     Running   0          2d   gke-jupyter-default-pool-23a4322a-qdpl   <none>           <none>
user-scheduler-7588c8977d-v4knn   1/1     Running   0          2d   gke-jupyter-default-pool-23a4322a-qdpl   <none>           <none>

Note the -o wide flag. This shows what nodes each pod is running on, as well as their IP addresses.

You can see from the response that there is one Jupyter server running (for The hub pod is the JupyterHub server. autohttps and proxy are the SSL certificate creator and network proxy. user-scheduler has two instances (running leader election) and will map users to nodes (VMs). The user-placeholder pods are dummy containers that ensure that there are free slots for new arrivals.

Pod state and logs:

If you want to view details about a pod, including recent events, you can run kubectl describe to view pod details:

kubectl -n jhub describe pod <pod name> 

The describe command can also be used with services and other resources.

The recent events listed by describe are useful for finding errors. To dig deeper, you cna use kubectl logs to view logs (or use the Logs UI in GCP).

Disk and claims

In our configuration, users have a GCE Persistent Disk that is their home directory. Persistent disks can be attached to any VM running in GCP and then mounted onto the Linux filesystem.

When a user first logs in, a 1G storage claim (persistent volume claim) is created, and the Kubernetes master creates a persistent disk to satisfy that claim. The size of the claim is configured in singleusesr/storage/capacity in config/config.yaml.

When a pod is created for the user's server, the disk is attached to the node running the pod, and the volume is mounted as the user's home directory.

[lang@eschaton ~]$ kubectl -n jhub get persistentvolumeclaim
NAME                         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
claim-langma-40gmail-2ecom   Bound    pvc-8df5bbf0-e119-461d-90d1-51cfd81168e5   1Gi        RWO            standard       6m49s
hub-db-dir                   Bound    pvc-58ed8e5b-6b4e-45c2-aef1-7c70b89c3a35   1Gi        RWO            standard       4h23m

[lang@eschaton ~]$ kubectl -n jhub get persistentvolume
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                             STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-58ed8e5b-6b4e-45c2-aef1-7c70b89c3a35   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    jhub/hub-db-dir                   standard                4h23m
pvc-8df5bbf0-e119-461d-90d1-51cfd81168e5   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    jhub/claim-langma-40gmail-2ecom   standard                6m55s

Here you can see that since only I have logged in, there are only two claims: one for the JupyterHub user and one for me. They are backed by two GCE persistent disks.

When volume claims are deleted, so are the corresponding disks (reclaim policy).

Note that right now there is not a great way to delete PVCs when a user is deleted. There is a discussion about this and issues tracked here and here.

As of 12/30/21, we have deployed a new JupyterHub version that includes a hook for deleting PVCs when a user is deleted. Users can be deleted via the UI or via the tool in scripts/tools (see the section on culling users).

Viewing logs

You can view logs in two ways: using kubectl or using the Cloud Log viewer.

To view the logs for a particular pod, you can list pods, and then get its logs:

kubectl get pods -n jhub
kubectl logs <pod name> -n jhub

Note: Logs for the post-startup script are not collected, since these are commands run inside the pod, after it has started. The logs for the pip install of the COMP141 libraries and nbgitpuller are redirected to /tmp/startup_logs which can be viewed by logging into the student's server. These do not persist across pod restarts.

See this issue for context. If postStart fails, this would be published as an event for the pod; however, we swallow failures in our startup script, and therefore no events are published.

Administering user servers

The easiest way to administer user servers is via the admin page. This allows you to log in to user servers, kill and restart them, etc.

Once you've logged in to a user server, you can run a terminal through the JupyterHub interface.

If, however, you want to ssh into their pod without going through their Jupyter server, you can execute commands on the pod using kubectl exec.

For example, to run an interactive bash shell, run:

kubectl -n jhub exec -it [pod name] /bin/bash

Use -- to run command with flags:

[lang@eschaton ~]$ kubectl -n jhub exec jupyter-langma-40gmail-2ecom -- ls -lh
total 20K
drwxrws--- 2 root   users 16K Dec 23 00:48 lost+found
-rw-r--r-- 1 jovyan users  72 Dec 24 21:21 Test.ipynb

Accessing user files without a server

It is possible for a user to make changes to their home directory in a way that prevents their server from starting. If, for example, they prevent nbgitpuller from running successfully, this may cause the startup script for the server to fail. This is tracked in #5.

In that case, you might want to access a user's file system. In order to do this, you will need to create a temporary virtual machine, attach the user's home directory to it, and modify their file system.

First, find the disk that corresponds to the user:

[lang@eschaton ~/courses/141]$ kubectl -n jhub get pvc | grep langma
NAME                            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
claim-langma-40gmail-2ecom      Bound    pvc-8df5bbf0-e119-461d-90d1-51cfd81168e5   1Gi        RWO            standard       30d

The pvc-<GUID> is the name of the user's disk. To access it, create a VM instance and then follow the procedure for adding a disk to the VM (outlined here. Note that in those instructions, you will be attaching a new disk, but in our case, you will want to choose an existing disk, and use the disk name you found above.

After this step, you can ssh into the new VM and mount/edit the disk.

$ sudo su
$ mkdir debug
$ mount /dev/sdb debug
$ cd debug
$ ...

Restarting deployments (not user servers)

kubectl -n jhub get deployment
kubectl -n jhub rollout restart deployment <deployment name>

Manually scaling

If user servers cannot schedule themselves, users will see an error message indicating that there are not enough nodes to schedule their pod. When this happens, the user pool needs to be scaled up. Autoscaling should take care of this normally, but if manual intervention is required, you can manually scale the pool up.

Using gcloud:

gcloud container clusters resize \
    jupyter \
    --node-pool user-pool \
    --num-nodes [new size] \
    --zone us-central1-a

It will take a few moments for the pool to scale up.

Using the UI:

  • Go to the User Pool config in the Cloud Console.
  • Click "EDIT" and manually change the "Number of nodes" field to a higher number.
  • Click "Save." It will take a few moments for the node pool to scale up.

Installing and running the dashboard

Both the GCP page and the Cloud Monitoring dashboard has telemetry data about the cluster.

There is also a dashboard monitor that was installed alongside the cluster with the following:

# Install dashboard
kubectl apply -f

# Create admin service account for dashboard, and give it admin permissions
kubectl create serviceaccount admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl create clusterrolebinding dash-cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

To view and login to the dashboard, run the following:

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')

Copy the token from the results. This is the bearer token of the dashboard service account.

Then run kubectl proxy to create a gateway between your local machine and the Kubernetes API server. The dashboard is accessible at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/.

Use the token you copied to log in. Select the namespace jhub from the namespace drop down to view the JupyterHub telemetry.

Culling users

There is Python code to remove users (and PVCs) under scripts/tools/cull_users.

To run, you will need to grant yourself an OAuth token to use for the script to take action on your behalf. From the token page click "Request new API token" and copy the token that is generated.

Then, to run the script, first run in dry run mode (default), to see that the users that will be deleted are expected:

pipenv run python --token YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN

Then, run the script in non-dry run mode:

pipenv run python --token YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN --no_dry_run

Help docs

The Zero-to-JupyterHub docs have information about debugging, and other FAQ topics.

Initial Cluster Setup

The initial cluster setup was done using the Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes guide.

GCE project configuration

Outside of the guide, there are a few cloud resources that I manually set up.

  • Appropriate APIs are already enabled for the project (GKE, logging, containers, etc.).
  • There's a static external IP address provisioned that is in use by the cluster's proxy server. This is configured in config/config.yaml. You can see this here.

Create Kubernetes cluster

  1. Create the Kubernetes cluster by running ./scripts/
  2. You can verify that the cluster exists by running kubectl get node
  3. Create a pool of user nodes by running ./scripts/ (you might have to update your Cloud SDK to install beta components).

The cluster creation script enrolls the cluster in the GKE stable release channel, which will cause the cluster to receive automatic version updates from GCP. This in turn results in the node pools receiving image version updates.

Known issues

  • If a user deletes a file, then the file is deleted from the nbgitpuller origin repo, this can make a user's server inaccessible until the conflict is fixed. Can be mitigated by switching from a single repo to per-assignment repos (at least then the server is accessible).
    • Tracked in issue #5.
    • Mitigation is to fix the user directory/repo (see this section).


Configs and READMEs for Rhodes CS JupyterHub deployment






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  • Shell 68.2%
  • Python 31.8%