$ ros2 launch simulator simulation.launch.py -s
Arguments (pass arguments as '<name>:=<value>'):
Path to the parameters file that will be added to all nodes (except Gazebo ones). Must be either an absolute path or a relative path within the simulator package's share dir.
(default: 'config/simulation.yaml')
Path to the world model file to load. Must be either an absolute path or a relative path within the simulator package's share dir.
(default: 'worlds/test_world.world')
Path to the robot URDF file (xacro supported). Must be either an absolute path or a relative path within the simulator package's share dir.
(default: 'urdf/gokart/main.urdf')
Path to the RViz config file to use. Must be either an absolute path or a relative path within the simulator package's share dir.
(default: 'rviz/demo.rviz')
If true, no GUI tools (gzclient, rviz, teleop) are started.
(default: 'False')
Whether to start Gazebo GUI (gzclient).
(default: 'true')
Whether to start RViz.
(default: 'False')
Whether to start joint_state_publisher. Not needed anymore. simulator_gazebo_plugin publishes joint states by default (at the correct frequency). Do NOT this use unless you set simulator_gazebo_plugin publishJointStates to false.
(default: 'false')
Start teleop tool. Allowed values: key, joy, none.
(default: 'none')
- key teleop
ros2 launch simulator simulation.launch.py teleop:=key
- key teleop and RViz
ros2 launch simulator simulation.launch.py teleop:=key start_rviz:=true
There is a cone_spawner node that can be started using the following command:
ros2 run simulator spawn_cones.py --ros-args -p distance_between_cones=5.0
The distance_between_cones
param can be changed during runtime (for example using rqt_reconfigure). Whenever the value changes, all cones are removed and a new set is spawned.
See its source code for more info.
- https://automaticaddison.com/how-to-create-a-simulated-mobile-robot-in-ros-2-using-urdf/
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VrgqtETVSuheNITop0MXDy4BY3U8IphQ
- https://automaticaddison.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-ros-2-navigation-stack/
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PrEavKxQoaQIPLqHwejzreO8XKaX80hW