I'm Marcello, a computer scientist/software engineer, globetrotter and author.
I was born in the South of Italy, raised in Messina, studied in Catania, then lived in Brussels, Naples, Rome, Dublin, Zurich. (And a few more...)
I'm the author of:
- Grokking Data Structures, take a peek on Manning's livebook or check out this repository with the code.
- Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures, take a peek on Manning's livebook or check out this repository with the code.
(All the code for the books is free to access)
I'm a backend software engineer, I had the privilege to worke as a full-stack engineer and machine learning engineer for Apple, Microsoft and Twitter.
- 🔭 I’m working on
- 🌱 I’m learning quantum computing
- 💬 Ask me about: algorithms | machine learning | web applications | system design | quantum computing | JavaScript | Python | Java | Scala
- ⚡ Fun fact: I will come up with something, one day, I swear...
- 📫 How to reach me: