This ia a public fork of ms-holographic-experimental. It serves to get up and running as fast as possible on OpenGL+Hololens
Some things are scary in here.. But they work.
Once ms-holographic-experimental gets its legs, this branch will become less relevant.
Issues solved (that may or may not work on the experimental/official ms branch)
- Handle multiple holographic shaders
- Obtain individual stereo ModelView, Projection matrix pairs via glGetFloat API /w GL_HOLOGRAPHIC_MVP_MATRICES_ANGLE etc
- Offscreen non-stereo FBOs
- Added somewhat hacked angle_holographic_extensions.h include which contains access to certain Hololens SDK features
- AngleHolographicGetCurrentPredictionTimestamp to obtain prediction timestamp for upcoming holographic frame
- AngleHolographicSetCurrentFocusPointParameters to set image stabilization parameters for the holographic camera
It goes without saying that this is no longer a conforming OpenGL implementation :p