Lewis, M. & Frank, M. C. (2018). Still suspicious: The suspicious coincidence effect revisited. Psychological Science. [pdf] [source] [supplemental information].
This project replicates Xu and Tenenbaum (2007a) and Spencer, Perone, Smith and Samuelson (2011) exploring the suspicious coincidence effect in concept generalization. We find that the effect is robust, but sensitive to task pragmatics.
The file paper/xtmem.Rmd
contains the text of the paper and the code for the analyses reported in the paper. The entire manuscript can be re-rendered from this Rmarkdown file. A rendered version of the paper can be found at paper/xtmem.pdf
. The analysis
directory contains all scripts used to pre-process the data before analysis. The data
directory contains all of the anonymized raw data, data from the original papers (XT 2007a and SPSS 2011), and a codebook explaining the variables. The experiments
directory contains all the stimuli and experimental code used in the reported experiments. The Supplemental Information to the paper can be found at https://mlewis.shinyapps.io/xtmem_SI/, and in the repository at paper/SI/
Below is a key figure from the paper showing that the rate of generalization to the basic level of abstraction, under various experimental conditions.
Feel free to email me with questions and comments at mollyllewis@gmail.com.