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@mlms13 mlms13 released this 25 Mar 21:18
· 11 commits to main since this release

This release adds helpers to ease the transition away from the deprecated features in the 1.0 release. Barring any bugs that require fixing, this is the last planned release in the 1.x series.

⚠️ Deprecated features

  • Some deprecations mentioned in the previous release notes weren't actually deprecated in the code. Those will now trigger compiler warnings.

✨ New features

  • hush is a new function that takes a Decode.AsResult.OfParseError decoder and converts it into a Js.Json.t => option('a) decoder (effectively "hushing" the error). This should make the transition away from Decode.AsOption easier.
  • literalBool, literalTrue, and literalFalse join the other literal* decoders that first decode, then further validate the output
  • intUnion works like stringUnion and should make the transition away from variantFromInt easier