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Interactive Bot Demo using LLMs and MLRun

This repository demonstrates the usage of Language Models (LLMs) and MLRun to build an interactive chatbot using your own data for Retrieval Augmented Question Answering. The data will be ingested and indexed into a Vector Database to be queried by an LLM in real-time.

The project utilizes MLRun for orchestration/deployment, HuggingFace embeddings for indexing data, Milvus for the vector database, OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model for generating responses, Langchain to retrieve relevant data from the vector store and augment the response from the LLM, and Gradio for building an interactive frontend.

Getting Started

To get started with the Interactive Bot Demo, follow the instructions below and then see the tutorial.ipynb:


  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Obtain an API key from OpenAI to access the GPT-3.5 model. You can find instructions on how to obtain an API key in the OpenAI docs.


  1. Setup MLRun on Kubernetes using this documentation

  2. Open Jupyter at http://localhost:30040

  3. Clone this repo inside the Jupyter container

  4. This project uses conda for environment management. To get started, setup the Python environment using the provided Makefile:

    cd demo-llm-bot
    make conda-env

    Note: If this command times out, repeat conda-env until it successfully installs.

  5. Copy the mlrun.env file to another name (e.g. secrets.env) and populate with the required environment variables.

    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Obtain an API key from OpenAI to access the GPT-3.5 model. You can find instructions on how to obtain an API key in the OpenAI docs.

    • OPENAI_API_BASE: If your application uses a different API base than the default, you can specify it here. Otherwise, leave as default.

  6. Open tutorial.ipynb in Jupyter with the newly created llmbot kernel. Run the notebook to deploy the example.


There are two main portions of this project:

Index Data and Deploy LLM

The first step is to run a pipeline using MLRun responsible for:

  1. Ingesting and indexing data into the vector database
  2. Deploying a real-time model serving endpoint for the Langchain + Milvus application

This can be done with the following:

import mlrun

project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(
        "source" : "git://",
        "secrets_file" : "secrets.env",
        "image" : "nschenone/llmbot:1.4.1"
        "source_directory" : "data/mlrun_docs_md",
        "urls_file" : "data/urls/mlops_blogs.txt"

This results in the following MLRun workflow:

Interactive Chat Application

Once the data has been indexed and the LLM application is running, the endpoint can be directly queried via POST request like so:

serving_fn = project.get_function("serve-llm", sync=True)
serving_fn.invoke(path="/", body={"question" : "how I deploy ML models?", "chat_history" : []})

Additionally, it can be used in the provided interactive chat application. This application will answer questions in a chatbot format using the provided documents as context. The response from the LLM will also specify which document was used to craft the response. It can be deployed locally with the following:

from src import chat

chat.launch(server_name="", ssl_verify=False)

The model endpoint at the top can be filled in using this info:

endpoint_url = serving_fn.get_url()

Adding New Data

In order to run this demo with your own data, changes can be made in a few different places depending on the type of the data.


To ingest your own documents into the vector store, download them locally and place them under the data directory in a dedicated sub-directory. Then, update the source_directory parameter in the pipeline.

Currently, the supported file types are .csv, .doc, .docx, .enex, .epub, .html, .md, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, and .txt. If additional file types are needed, update LOADER_MAPPING within with the corresponding file extension and document loader.


To ingest your own content from URLs into the vector store, create a file modelled after mlops_blogs.txt where each URL to be ingested is on its own line. Place this file under the data directory in a dedicated sub-directory. Then, update the urls_file parameter in the pipeline.

CSV File

CSV files can be used in two different ways. The first is just as a simple document as described above. However, you can also interact with the CSV file using a Langchain CSV Agent.

To use a CSV Agent, first place your .csv file within the data directory in a dedicated sub-directory. Then, update the build_agent function within to point to the new CSV file using the provided build_csv_chain helper function.

Note: It is possible to have multiple CSV Agents. Simply register both as tools with a name, description, and newly created chain from build_csv_chain.

SQL Database

SQLAlchemy compatible databases can be interacted with via the Langchain SQL Database Agent.

If using a local database such as SQLite, place the .db file within the data directory in a dedicated sub-directory. Then, update the build_agent function within to point to the local database file or remote SQLAlchemy URI using the provided build_sql_database_chain helper function.

Note: It is possible to have multiple SQL Database Agents. Simply register both as tools with a name, description, and newly created chain from build_sql_database_chain.