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mlt edited this page Jun 14, 2012 · 21 revisions

Download metadata

0xD = SI_Read(cyHandle=0x24, lpBuffer, dwBytesToRead=0x24, lpdwBytesReturned=>0x1)
 >13270000 4B001E08 00AD450B 0C040028< .'..K.....E....( 00000000
 >82313131 35333031 2D303230 02000000< .1115301-020.... 00000010
 >A44400FF<                            .D..             00000020
Offset Length Description Explanation
0 10 ? ?
10 18 Device id (mixture of ASCII, hex & hex->dec byte by byte) E 11 12 04 002882 11153 01-020 (Software window title mentions "M111530D 01-020 E 11 12 04 00 28 82")
28 2 Number of tracks 2
30 2 ?Number of waypoints? 0
32 4 Download metadata signature 0xA44400FF

Track metadata

0xD = SI_Read(cyHandle=0x24, lpBuffer, dwBytesToRead=0x24, lpdwBytesReturned=>0x1)
 >240F1119 030C000E 00930069 B20105C3< $..........i.... 00000000
 >00113033 32353130 31A51012 19030C00< ..0325101....... 00000010
 >000001FD<                            ....             00000020
Offset Length Description Explanation
0 6 Start time March 25, (20)12 5:15:36 pm
6 2 Number of laps + 1 14-1 = 13 laps
8 2 Max Speed ?
10 2 Average Speed ?
12 1 Maximum heart rate 0xb2=178 bpm
13 1 x4 ?
14 2 Number of points in track 0x05C3
16 2 x5 ?
18 7 Track name (with date) "0325101"
25 1 Average heart rate 0xA5=165 bpm
26 5 End time March 25, 2012 6:16 pm
31 3 ?0? ?
34 1 Track number 1
35 1 Track metadata signature 0xFD

Lap metadata

0xD = SI_Read(cyHandle=0x24, lpBuffer, dwBytesToRead=0x24, lpdwBytesReturned=>0x1)
 >0039170C 000F4286 00745AC2 00670065< .9....B..tZ..g.e 00000000
 >2008A435 0D59ADA1 00001400 186F0000<  ..5.Y.......o.. 00000010
 >000C01FD<                            ....             00000020
Offset Length Description Explanation
0 4 Cumulative time 0 hr 57' 23" 12/100 (of sec)
4 4 Cumulative distance, cm 10,000.70 m
8 4 Cumulative calories x 10,000 762.5410
12 1 ? 0
13 1 Maximum speed ?
14 1 ? 0
15 1 Speed x10 km/h 0x65=10.1 km/h = 6.28 mph
16 1 x1 ?48? if autolap, 0 if user lap
17 3 Cumulative # of heart pulses, Heart=~(x2*65536+x3*256+x4)/Time)
20 2 Total number of seconds. Kind of useless ?
22 1 Maximum heart rate ?
23 1 Heart rate ?
24 4 In zone ?:min:sec:? ?
28 2 ?Average elevation in cm? ?
30 2 ?y7,y8? ?
32 2 Lap # 12
34 1 Track # 1 (2nd)
35 1 Lap data signature 0xFD

Track points

0xD = SI_Read(cyHandle=0x24, lpBuffer, dwBytesToRead=0x24, lpdwBytesReturned=>0x1)
 >391A1000 06000710 1205036B 00140044< 9..........k...D 00000000
 >5852504E 00931138 79572603 F06E0000< XRPN...8yW&..n.. 00000010
 >05C301FA<                            ....             00000020
Offset Length Description Explanation
0 4 Track distance in cm 10,552.89
4 2 ?Speed x200 km/h? 0x0600=1536=7.68 km/h
6 3 Local time 18:16:07
9 1 ? ?
10 2 Heart rate x5 175
12 3 In zone HH:SS:MM
15 5 Lattitude in packed BCD form, last byte is an ASCII N/S 44°58'52"50 44°58.5250' N
20 6 Longitude in packed BCD form, last byte is an ASCII E/W 93°11'38"79 93°11.3879' W
26 2 Calories burned 0x0326=806 cal
28 2 Elevation in cm 284 m
30 2 Always 0 or part of pt # ?
32 2 Point # 0x05c3
34 1 Track # 1 (2nd)
35 1 Point data signature 0xFA