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mlt edited this page Dec 5, 2014 · 5 revisions


Different USB-UART bridge driver (deprecated)

>> This applies to earlier releases only. Newer versions require USBXpress drivers, the ones that automatically installed by Windows. Uninstall any VCP driver if you installed it previously and let Windows install default ones. <<

Windows 7 installs USBXpress drivers by default since shipped USB-UART bridge CP2102 has 0xEA61 USB device ID.


To be able to communicate with the watch via serial port we should replace that driver with VCP one.


This driver can be downloaded from SiLabs page. However it defaults to 0xEA60 device and not 0xEA61. If you want to save time, just get the one from here. Version with fixed device ID can be found in Downloads section and must be installed instead of USBXpress to make use of this software.

Hint Connect USB cord without watch to make sure that it is properly recognized.


Next adjust port speed to 115200.


schwinn810 software

  1. Download and unpack the latest archive (the obsolete one that uses VCP drivers can be found here).
  2. Optionally install GPSBabel for automatic points conversion to all other formats like GPX, TCX, KML (Google Earth), etc. You don't need it if you want TCX only as converter is included.
  3. Create My Runs sub-folder in your Documents (or My Documents depending on Windows) folder.
  4. Use notepad or your favorite editor to either adjust existing batch files or use them as template to create your own (so they won't get overwritten or something when updating)


  1. Connect USB cord to watch first
  2. Plug USB into PC
  3. Double click on schwinn.cmd . Note that there is no need to specify --port any longer on Windows. There is a presumption that the watch (its cord) is the only USBXpress device connected to your computer.


  1. You should see *%HOME%\My Runs* filling with your data



If you encounter some difficulties, take a look to the issue tracker.

Enjoy! ;-)