This is a plugin for Obsidian (
This plugin will auto-switch the active window to edit mode when a keystroke is detected, and then switch back to preview mode a delay after the last keystroke is detected. This quick switching allows for a kind of WYSIWYG.
The codebase is written in TypeScript and uses rollup
/ node
for compilation; for a first time set up, all you
should need to do is pull, install, and build:
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd obsidian-autoview
foo@bar:~/obsidian-autoview$ npm install
foo@bar:~/obsidian-autoview$ npm run dev
- Timeout Duration: The amount of time in seconds that the plugin waits after the last keystroke before swtiching over to preview mode.
- Scroll back to previous editing location: Whether the editor should scroll back to it's previous location when switching from edit to preview mode (verus just auto scrolling to where editing is happening)