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Visualizing the latent space of generative models (VAE and BiGAN implemented here), as in latent vectors of testing images over the induced metric (in the background) created by the Decoder/Generator.

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On the Latent Space of Generative Models

Our paper is available at:

Repository Structure

IMPORTANT NOTE: Run everything from this parent directory, relative imports used.


The models found here are all independently/separately trainable by executing the files. After training is finished, a trained model will be stored in TrainedModels/. Files should be executed within the main GenerativeLatentSpace parent-directory. Training progress can be monitored in Outputs/.

Example command:

python Models/ --latent_dim 16

This will train a VAE on MNIST digits and output some latent samples.

The folder utility/ contains some of the helper architectures that are used for e.g. improved variance and feature mappings.


Most (if not all) functions involving manipulating the geometry can be found in this directory.


Contains Bspline and Bezier curve implementations.


This contains the training of the shorter curve (not truly a geodesic in most cases). Our training scheme is as follows:

  1. Start with straight line (worst case fallback). Optimize the Cubic Bspline control points (we start with 2) such that the length of the curve is minimized.
  2. Start with largest learning rate for val_epochs and see if curve length has shortened:
    • If shortened: Repeat step 2 with current learning rate.
    • Else: Decrease the learning rate, reset to best curve so far, and run for val_epochs again. Repeat Step 2.
  3. After Step 2 has been repeated some threshold amount of times, we add another control point to the best Cubic Bspline so far, and reset the learning rate. Repeat Step 2.
  4. Termination could be maximal number of epochs or maximal number of control points.


Here you'll find the Riemannian parts: computing the pull-back metric and Riemannian curve lengths.


Creates interpolation between vectors [-1,...,-1] and [1,...,1] in latent space of a trained generator. Outputs a sequence of output images along the interpolation of both straight line and shorter curve, as well as a cross-correlation of both interpolation image sequences.


python VAE --latent_dim 16

Looks for the default trained generator (with some latent dimension) named "trainedVAE_D.pth", in case it has been renamed after training, use the additional argument --trained_gen trainedVAE_D.pth.


Creates interpolation between vectors [-1,...,-1] and [1,...,1] in latent space of a trained generator after mapping to a new output space (a feature space). Outputs a sequence of images along the interpolation of both straight line and shorter curve (in generator output space, without feature mapping), as well as a cross-correlation of both interpolation feature sequences (this time new output space with feature mapping).


python VAE --latent_dim 16

Feature spaces that are currently available are: logistic regression and VGG. For VGG you require the pretrained network weights in TrainedModels/VGG_pretrained.pth.


Sample N pairs of endpoints in latent space and compute the relative length improvement possible on the straight lines (by finding shorter curve). The step size is multiplied while moving in direction of the maximal eigenvector.


python VAE --latent_dim 16 --N 100 --step_size 1


Sample N pairs of endpoints in input space and compute the relative length improvement possible on the straight lines (by finding shorter curve) FOR TWO MODELS. These two generative models are then compared with one another by looking at the respective relative length improvements. The two models can have different latent dimensions. This time both the encoder and decoder are needed, for now only BiGANs are supported in the GAN category. When trained model names are not specified, it looks for the default ones.


python VAE BiGAN --latent_dim1 16 --latent_dim2 16 --N 100

Currently assumes MNIST Digits data as test data (can be changed within file). Also only compares two models, but can be easily extended to compare multiple models (at the cost of it being more difficult to find comparable interpolations).


When executed will generate a directory with N samples from a certain generator: Example:

python VAE --trained_gen trainedVAE_D.pth --latent_dim 16 --N 1000

The appropriate trained generator in TrainedModels/ has to be given, along with the latent space of the model.

If no generator (currently VAE or BiGAN) is given, then it generates MNIST digits test data. Output folder is Outputs/MNISTdigits/ for test data, and Outputs/$generator$/ for generated data.

These folder with generated images can then be used to compute the FID score using the "pytorch-fid" module (from


Contains utility functions to compare straight line and shorter curve. Currently contains two functions:

  • create_sequence: both paths are mapped to output space (image output) and the sequence of images is plotted next to one another for visual inspection.
  • create_correlation: the sequence of images is now further processed: we auto-correlate the sequence by taking the dot-product between all the images with eachother pairwise. The correlation matrix is then stored as output.


Contains the datasets that are currently usable. Currently focussed on MNIST data (28x28 grayscale images), implemented are MNIST digits, Fashion MNIST and EMNIST. We also provide a class to allow custom data (however, evaluation methods are currently only implemented for 28x28 grayscale images).


If you found our work helpful in any way, we always appreciate a citation:

   title={On Linear Interpolation in the Latent Space of Deep Generative Models},
   author={Mike Yan Michelis and Quentin Becker},
   booktitle={ICLR 2021 Workshop on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning},


Visualizing the latent space of generative models (VAE and BiGAN implemented here), as in latent vectors of testing images over the induced metric (in the background) created by the Decoder/Generator.






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