DEPRECATED this plugin is outdated since Nuance SpeechKit service is discontinued, for a current alternative see mmir-plugin-asr-cerence-ws
- DEPRECATED Nuance SpeechKit service is discontinued
- for current alternative see [mmir-plugin-asr-cerence-ws]( based on the Cerence WebSocket API
Cordova plugin for the MMIR framework that allows Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) via Nuance WebSockets services (MIX)
(e.g. index.html): allow access to
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
content="default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ...
"asrNuanceWs": {
"encoder": "speexEncoder",
"appId": <the app ID>,
"appKey": <the secret app key>
"mediaManager": {
"plugins": {
"browser": [
{"ctx": "webn", "mod": "webAudioInput", "config": "asrNuanceWs"}
"cordova": [
{"ctx": "webn", "mod": "webAudioInput", "config": "asrNuanceWs"}
supported options for recoginze() / startRecord():
- language: String
- results: Number
- mode: 'search' | 'dictation'
supported custom options for recoginze() / startRecord():
- appKey: String
- appId: String
- codec: 'speex' | 'wav'
- source: "SpeakerAndMicrophone" | "HeadsetInOut" | "HeadsetBT" | "HeadPhone" | "LineOut"
source: Indicates the source of the audio recording.
Properly specifying this header improves recognition accuracy.
Nuance encourages you to pass this header whenever you can -- and as accurately as possible.