npm i @mmmrks/vue-dropdown-menu
import dropdownMenu from '@mmmrks/vue-dropdown-menu
<dropdown-menu menu-title="Vue Dropdown Menu" dark-mode="auto" class="menu">
<section class="option">
<button @click="sayHello">This is button for method</button>
<span class="desc">This is Vue dropdown menu method that says hello for you.</span>
<section class="option">
<a href="">This is basic a -link</a>
<span class="desc">Clicking this takes you somewhere else.</span>
<section class="option">
<router-link to="/about">This is Vue router link</router-link>
<span class="desc">Clicking this takes you somewhere else.</span>
false = Always light mode auto = Change according to what user prefers force = Always dark mode