Alpha version of PHYLOGEOrec
PHYLOGEOrec depends on Biophyton library version 1.64. In Linux, so far we not having trouble about this. But for Windows user, it become problem, as QGIS for Windows beared its own version, which may be different.
We also included this in the package. Please see Deployment section.
Please submit comments, bugs, etc. on the issues page
Nashrulloh, M M., Kurniawan, N., Rahardi, B. 2017. PHYLOGEOrec: A QGIS plugin for spatial phylogeographic reconstruction from phylogenetic tree and geographical information data. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1908: 050004.
We acknowledge funding and/or resources from:
- Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia BIDIKMISI Scholarship.
- Brawijaya University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences DPP/SPP Research Grant FY 2014.
- NSF & USAID Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)