A Chrome extension for tab managing.
The Original Extension is called GraphiTabs, available via Chrome Web Store.
Since there is no way of any contact therefore no permissions from the author, this repository is restricted to PERSONAL USES ONLY. Original author: Timedesk team link deprecated before Jan 9th, 2021).
MindTab's work is based on the GraphiTabs extension, and is currently not released to Chrome Web Store yet because of this issue.
Please consider to support the ORIGINAL author via GraphiTabs FIRST, (and please try to establish contact if possible). Then if you are not satisfied with GraphiTabs, consider switching to MindTabs.
The MindTabs Extension, compared to GraphiTabs, improves only on UI.
- Icons are refreshed using MaterialDesign-Webfont.
- Removed dependency of font-awesome and iconFont
- Dark theme is now supported.
- A light/dark switch to cover diverse needs
- Font/icon size improved
- Layout improved
Both are welcomed, especially pull request.