Default also looks for <varscan.called>.homdels so enable the homdels output
- perl $0 -d <human.dict> <varscan.called>
By region
- perl $0 -d <human.dict> -r 1,1,1000000 <varscan.called>
Also plot f/z vals:
- perl $0 -d <human.dict> <varscan.called> <vcf.table>
note: actual use example
{GATK best practices alignment using BWA}
samtools mpileup \
-R -q 40 -f human_g1k_v37.fasta Normal.human_g1k_v37.merged.bam Tumor.human_g1k_v37.merged.bam | \
java -Xmx2g -jar ${HOME}/software/VarScan.v2.3.2/VarScan.v2.3.2.jar copynumber \
- tumor --mpileup --min-segment-size 200 --max-segment-size 500;
java -jar -Xmx2g -jar ${HOME}/software/VarScan.v2.3.2/VarScan.v2.3.2.jar copyCaller \
tumor.copynumber --output-file tumor.called;
perl -v Snps.GatkVariantsToTable.table tumor.called > tumor.called.Rscript;
Rscript tumor.called.Rscript ;
- VCF file: calculate F values with script in repository
- Varscan analysis has to be performed ("")
- R(script) + DNAcopy library to be installed and working
- start R and paste