This repository provides the JikesRVM binding for MMTk.
We maintain an up to date list of the prerequisites for building MMTk and its bindings in the mmtk-dev-env repository. Please make sure your dev machine satisfies those prerequisites.
MMTk/JikesRVM supports linux-i686
and linux-x86_64
(as a 32-bit program).
If you use the set-up explained in mmtk-dev-env, make sure to do the following steps before continuing to the Build section:
Use a proper Rust toolchain. The minimal supported Rust version for MMTk-JikesRVM binding is 1.61.0. Make sure your Rust version is higher than this. We test MMTk-JikesRVM binding with Rust 1.66.1 (as specified in
). -
as the default JDK (openjdk-8-jdk is a build requirement of JikesRVM), e.g. by running:
$ update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
- You may also need to use ssh-agent to authenticate with github (see here for more info):
$ eval `ssh-agent`
$ ssh-add
To work on JikesRVM binding, we expect you have a directory structure like below. This section gives instructions on how to check out those repositories with the correct version.
Your working directory/
├─ mmtk-jikesrvm/
│ ├─ jikesrvm/
│ └─ mmtk/
├─ jikesrvm/
└─ mmtk-core/ (optional)
First clone this binding repo:
$ git clone
The binding repo mainly consists of two folders, mmtk
and jikesrvm
is logically a part of MMTk. It exposes APIs frommmtk-core
and implements theVMBinding
trait frommmtk-core
is logically a part of JikesRVM. When we build JikesRVM, we copy this folder to the JikesRVM repo (which overwrite the same files, if any, in the JikesRVM repo) and treat it as if it is a part of the JikesRVM project.
You would need our JikesRVM fork which includes the support for a third party heap (like MMTk). We assume you put jikesrvm
as a sibling of mmtk-jikesrvm
defines the version of JikesRVM that works with the version of mmtk-jikesrvm
Assuming your current working directory is the parent folder of mmtk-jikesrvm
, you can checkout out JikesRVM and the correct version using:
$ git clone
$ git -C jikesrvm checkout `sed -n 's/^jikesrvm_version.=."\(.*\)"$/\1/p' < mmtk-jikesrvm/mmtk/Cargo.toml`
The MMTk-JikesRVM binding points to a specific version of mmtk-core
as defined in Cargo.toml
. When you build the binding,
cargo will fetch the specified version of mmtk-core
. If you would like to use
a different version or a local mmtk-core
repo, you can checkout mmtk-core
to a separate repo and modify the mmtk
dependency in Cargo.toml
For example, you can check out mmtk-core
as a sibling of mmtk-jikesrvm
$ git clone
And change the mmtk
dependency in Cargo.toml
(this assumes you put mmtk-core
as a sibling of mmtk-jikesrvm
mmtk = { path = "../../mmtk-core" }
MMTk building is integrated as as a step of the JikesRVM build.
We recommend using the buildit
script for the JikesRVM build.
$ cd repos/jikesrvm
$ ./bin/buildit localhost RBaseBaseSemiSpace --use-third-party-heap=../mmtk-jikesrvm --use-third-party-build-configs=../mmtk-jikesrvm/jikesrvm/build/configs/ --use-external-source=../mmtk-jikesrvm/jikesrvm/rvm/src --m32
The JikesRVM binary is under jikesrvm/dist/RBaseBaseSemiSpace_x86_64_m32-linux/rvm
and the MMTk shared library is jikesrvm/dist/RBaseBaseSemiSpace_x86_64_m32-linux/
You can build with other build configs, check mmtk-jikesrvm/jikesrvm/build/configs
Fetch DaCapo:
$ # run from the repo/jikesrvm directory
$ mkdir -p benchmarks
$ wget -O benchmarks/dacapo-2006-10-MR2.jar
Run rvm
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dist/RBaseBaseSemiSpace_x86_64_m32-linux/ dist/RBaseBaseSemiSpace_x86_64_m32-linux/rvm -Xms75M -Xmx75M -jar benchmarks/dacapo-2006-10-MR2.jar fop
===== DaCapo fop starting =====
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] copyspace0: Triggering collection
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] copyspace1: Triggering collection
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] copyspace0: Triggering collection
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] immortal: Triggering collection
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] copyspace0: Triggering collection
ThreadId(1)[INFO:/root/mmtk-core/src/plan/] [POLL] copyspace1: Triggering collection
===== DaCapo fop PASSED in 3934 msec =====