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The classified platform such as Craigslist or Avito that provides the opportunity for peer-to-peer exchanges of goods and services. The project was done as part of one of my university courses


Demo video:

How to launch

Run one of the sbt commands below to start the selected component locally with connection to other services in the Cloud.

sbt "project service" run
sbt "project bot" run
sbt "project moderation" run
sbt "project parsing" run

Before executing the above commands, you need to specify some environment variables:

  • export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> for REST API
  • export REDIS_PASSWORD=<password> for REST API and Parsing
  • export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<token> for Telegram bot

For example, sbt "project service" run will launch the REST API locally, but it will send requests to PostgreSQL and Redis in the Cloud

Using Docker

To run the service completely locally, first of all, you need to launch PostgreSQL and Redis:

docker compose start

Specify the required environment variables:

export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<your-token>

Then, start the REST-api with "local" parameter:

sbt "project service" run local

Then start other components with the same parameter:

sbt "project bot" run local
sbt "project moderation" run local
sbt "project parsing" run local

Note, that the local Redis does not require a password



Actual schema

create table offers
    id          uuid primary key,
    name        text    not null,
    price       integer not null,
    description text    not null,
    status      text    not null,
    source      text default null

create table users
    id            uuid primary key,
    name          text not null,
    login         text not null unique,
    status        text not null,
    password_hash text not null,
    password_salt text not null

create table user_offers
    offer_id uuid primary key references offers (id),
    user_id  uuid not null references users (id)

create table photos
    id          uuid primary key,
    url         text  default null,
    blob        bytea default null,
    telegram_id text  default null

create table offer_photos
    photo_id uuid primary key references photos (id),
    offer_id uuid not null references offers (id)


Indices for searching by offers:

create index offers_name_idx on offers
    using gin (to_tsvector('russian', name));

create index offers_name_description_idx on offers
    using gin (to_tsvector('russian', name || ' ' || description));

Indices for internal needs:

create index photos_offer_id on offer_photos (offer_id);

create index offers_status_idx on offers (status);



Each user has login (telegram @login) and password, and, in order to use the service, he should get a session and then attach it to each request

Creating a session:


Use session in some request:



State machine diagram (without authorization to simplify):


And authorization separately:



Parsing gets offers from to fill in the contents of my service



Moderation Worker requests all offers with the OnModeration status from the REST API (in batches, with some delay) and then updating offer statuses to Active or Banned if any violations are detected. It would be better to use some message queue here, but to simplify I decided to implement such a scheme
