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Command line tool

Martin Angers edited this page Oct 4, 2013 · 8 revisions

Agora comes with a command-line tool to quickly build and run programs without the need for a custom Go host (remember, agora is an embeddable language). Provided your $GOPATH/bin environment variable is included in your $PATH, you can type agora -h to print the help screen of the tool.

The tool supports the following sub-commands:

  • asm : compile assembly source to bytecode
  • ast : pretty-print the abstract syntax tree of agora source
  • build : compile agora source to bytecode
  • dasm : disassemble bytecode to assembly source
  • run : compile and execute agora source
  • version : print the current agora version

Shebang #!

It is also possible to run scripts with the shebang notation on Unix-y systems. For example, provided that the agora command-line is in your $PATH:

#!/usr/bin/env agora run -R
fmt := import("fmt")
fmt.Println("Hello from agora!")

You just need to set your script file to be executable (chmod +x FILE) and then it can be run like any shell script. The agora scanner will recognize the #! if it is on the first line, at the very beginning of the file, and will treat it like a comment.


agora asm [OPTIONS] FILE

The asm sub-command compiles an assembly source file into the bytecode binary format.


-o (--output) : save to this output file
-x (--hexadecimal) : produce hexadecimal output instead of raw binary


agora ast [OPTIONS] FILE

The ast sub-command prints the abstract syntax tree of an agora source code file.


-o (--output) : save to this output file
-e (--all-errors) : print all errors, not just a summary


agora build [OPTIONS] FILE

The build sub-command compiles an agora source file to bytecode.


-o (--output) : save to this output file
-a (--assembly) : build to assembly source instead of bytecode


agora dasm [OPTIONS] FILE

The dasm sub-command disassembles a bytecode file to assembly source.


-o (--output) : save to this output file


agora run [OPTIONS] FILE [args...]

The run sub-command compiles and executes an agora source file, and prints the result. Additional values after the file are passed as arguments to the agora module.


-a (--from-asm) : compile and execute from an assembly source file
-d (--debug) : run in debug mode
-o (--output) : save to this output file
-R (--no-result) : do not print the result value
-S (--no-stdlib) : do not register the stdlib in the execution context


agora version

The version sub-command prints the current agora version.

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