DireFeVer is a solver for the directed vertex feedback set problem. This library provides the following algorithms and data structures:
- A directed, simple graph data structure that is implemented with two adjacency sets for each node.
- A directed feedback vertex set instance, that, beyond others, allows for redoing of alterations on the underlying graph data structure.
Simple kernelization rules as partially described in 1 that include:
- Removing multi-edges.
- Adding loop nodes to the solution and removing them from the graph.
- Removing sink and source nodes.
- Merging nodes with incomming, or outgoing degree of 1 into its sole in-(resp. out-)neighbor.
Strongly connected component rules, that include:
- Removal of edges connecting strongly connected components.
- Removal of edges that connect strongly connected components in a subgraph, where strong edges were removed. This rule is described in 2.
Petal rules that, for a node
, counts the adjacent, otherwise node disjunct cycles, also called petals. The first two rules are described in 3.- If
has one petal,v
can be contracted. - If
has more petals than the effective upper bound,v
can be added to the solution. - In an advanced version, if
has more petals than the effective upper bound minus the lower bound of the graph minus all nodes inv
s petals (including)v
can be added to the solution.
- If
Core rules, that include:
- Variations of the clique rule, as described in 2, there called "core" rule.
- Variations of our core rule, which is a generalized version of the clique rule.
The dome rule, as described in 2.
Vertex Cover rules applied on subgraphs with reciprocal edges:
- The link node rule, that contract nodes adjacent to and only to exactly two reciprocal edges, going to and coming from nodes
. As described for the vertex cover problem in 4. To adapt this rule for the directed feedback vertex set problem, one can not use cases where there exists a directed path fromv
since that might lead to a directed circle that was not present before. - The twin node rule, as described in 5. This rule looks for a pair of nodes with identical 3 reciprocal neighbors
, if there exists a reciprocal edge between any two nodes ofv
, those three nodes can be added to the cover. - The unconfined (here dubbed dominion) rule as described in 6.
- And the crown rule as described in 7.
- The link node rule, that contract nodes adjacent to and only to exactly two reciprocal edges, going to and coming from nodes
Lossy kernelization rules:
These rules can be split into 3 different classes: Type-A (rules that multiply the current approximation factor with following approximations), Type-B (rules that add the current approximation factor to the following approximations) and Type-C (rules with an approximation factor that does not stack).
All of these rules reset the current upper bound and current best solution.- Type-A rules:
- The lossy contraction rule, which contracts nodes adjacent to at most
petals. Each application of this rule can increase the solution byquality
-1. If the rule is applied only once, on only cycle disjunct nodes, the size of an optimal solution of the resulting kernel can become at worstquality
times as large. If other lossy rules follow this, however, the resulting solution can becomequality
times the approximation factor of the other rules as large as an optimal solution. This rule can be simplified by using nodes with a maximal incoming- or outgoing degree ofquality
. But this might miss some valid nodes. - The lossy merge rule, which merges substructures of the form (a,b),(b,c),(a,c). This rule has an approximation factor of 3.
After this rule, the current upper- or lower-bound heuristics do not work!
- The lossy contraction rule, which contracts nodes adjacent to at most
- Type-B rules:
- The lossy disjunct cycles rule, which computes a set of disjunct cycles and adds the node with the highest degree in each cycle to the solution. This has an approximation factor of 2.
- The lossy semi disjunct cycle rule, which computes a set of cycles
, so that every node is at most inx
different cycles. Then adds |C
many nodes that together hit as many cycles inC
as possible in a greedy fashion. - The lossy cut rule looks for a set of nodes
that cut the graph intos
strongly connected components. Adding those to the solution has an approximation factor of 1 + |C
- Type-C rules:
- The lossy clique rule: adds all nodes within strong cliques of size 1+
. The size of an optimal solution of the resulting kernel can become at worst 1 + 1/quality
times as large. - The lossy cycle rule, which finds cycles of size
or smaller and adds all of its nodes to the solution (and removes the nodes afterwards). This has an approximation factor ofquality
- The lossy clique rule: adds all nodes within strong cliques of size 1+
- Type-A rules:
Lower bound heuristics:
- A heuristic that counts and removes small cycles.
- The lower bound heuristics that finds a clique
, removes it, and adds |C
| - 1 to the lower bound. This heuristic is described in 2.
Upper bound heuristics:
- Variations of the big degree heuristic.
- The lower bound heuristics that finds a clique
, removes it, and adds |C
| to the upper bound.
Vertex-cover heuristic:
- Transforms strongly connected components to a vertex cover instance by only regarding reciprocal edges as single undirected edges and discarding the rest.
- Then, we run a vertex cover solver over that instance. Here we use Duck and Cover 8.
- If the returned solution is also a solution for the original strongly connected component, then the solution is optimal.
- Otherwise, we can use the solution as a lower bound, which can also be extended to an upper bound by solving the leftover graph.
- An advanced branching algorithm that branches on the first available option in the following priority list:
- A clique of size 3 or more.
- A link node on which the rule could not be applied.
- A daisy.
- The node with the highest chosen weight.
- A solver that transforms the instance into a directed arc feedback set instance, then solves by iterative compression and transformation into skew edge multicut instances. As described by 9
- Statistics for the reduction rules.
- Make sure
is installed. - Run
cargo build --release
- Speed up
. - Added
. - Added
. - Added bottom-up and top-down weight heuristics.
- Added top-bottom-switch weight heuristics.
- Added local-search heuristics.
- Added clique upper bound branch heuristic.
- Simple statistics for the weight heuristics.
- Binary for statistics on the heuristics.
- Merge
, only usingRebuildGraph
. - Binary that records reduction statistics on multiple files.
- Iterative approach for scc- and advanced scc rule.
- Further, speed up of the scc- and advanced scc rule.
- Added
. - Added
. - Added
. - Added
. - Added
. - Added
. - Fixed
- Struct interrupter:
- Only handles time_outs
- Implemented for exhaustive reductions
- Overhauled
. - Put
in each heuristic and branch and bound. - Added
. - Proper bin for statistics on single instance heuristics.
branches only to a maximal depth of 3, which could still be too much.- Fixed a bug where
did not resetchanges
). - Changes to
:- now branches on highest cai weight (0.3) node if no more daisy or clique remains.
- checks if the current lower bound (+ the size of the current solution) is greater or equal than the current best solution. If so, returns the best current solution.
- Handles sccs separately.
- Added branching on double paths in
- Complete interrupt for BST.
- Binary for exact statistics.
- Link node rule + restructuring of DFVSInstance.
- Use fxhash for all hashmaps and hashsets that use usize as a key.
- Crown rule
- Twin rule
- Dominion rule
- Changes when computing and updating the upper and lower bound.
- Heuristic over vertex cover
- SCC split + vc heuristic in exact bin
- Via vertex_cover now also computes an upper bound
- Removed
. - All rebuild options are now in
. - Removed all statistics.
- Removed the possibility to interrupt.
- Updated README
implemented. Plus a version that returns the left-over graph.apply_petal_rules()
implemented and integrated.apply_lossy_rules()
implemented and integrated.kernel
now also records the current solution size.
implemented and integrated.- Single node version of some reduction rules for better interruptability.
- Adapted
- Added fast lossy to
- Added
bin with fixed experiments - Added
- Local simple rules
- Fast heuristic now actually fast. (Hopefully)
- Fast advanced petal rule.
- Different binaries for experiments.
- Some clean-up and tests.
- Find semi disjoint cycles
- Lossy cycle rule (with supporting functions)
- Lossy indie cycle rule (with supporting functions)
- Lossy semi indie cycle rule (with supporting functions)
- Lossy merge rule (with supporting functions and DFVSInstance support)
- Binaries for experiments
- Find indie cycles in BFS fashion instead.
- Added an advanced cut rule.
- And another cut variation.
- And cut with parameter.
- Fix SCC rules
- Test param cut
- Sub functions of the cut rule needs to be fixed (more efficient, remove redundant)
- working tests for both indie cycle rules
- Working test for adv cut rule
- Quality check/guarantee for adv cut rule
- Split sccs in while exhaustively applying the rules!
- Speed-up rules
- Twin-rule can merge nodes instead. Would take some work though.
- SCC in disjunct cycle heuristic can be simple. Check if simple is much faster than advanced.
- Twin nodes can also be merged if no edges are between their neighbors.
- Constant rule priority lists.
- UDFVS solution as heuristic.
- Poly kernel rules.
single versions
- Check if BST can be bounded further (current solution + current best lower bound > best solution -> return best solution).
- Polish branch and reduce algorithm (can be contracted).
Levy, Hanoch, and David W. Low. "A contraction algorithm for finding small cycle cutsets." Journal of algorithms 9.4 (1988): 470-493. ↩
Lin, Hen-Ming, and Jing-Yang Jou. "On computing the minimum feedback vertex set of a directed graph by contraction operations." IEEE Transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems 19.3 (2000): 295-307. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
Fleischer, Rudolf, Xi Wu, and Liwei Yuan. "Experimental study of FPT algorithms for the directed feedback vertex set problem." European Symposium on Algorithms. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. ↩
Chen, Jianer, Iyad A. Kanj, and Weijia Jia. "Vertex cover: further observations and further improvements." Journal of Algorithms 41.2 (2001): 280-301. ↩
Xiao, Mingyu, and Hiroshi Nagamochi. "Confining sets and avoiding bottleneck cases: A simple maximum independent set algorithm in degree-3 graphs." Theoretical Computer Science 469 (2013): 92-104. ↩
Akiba, Takuya, and Yoichi Iwata. "Branch-and-reduce exponential/FPT algorithms in practice: A case study of vertex cover." Theoretical Computer Science 609 (2016): 211-225. ↩
Abu-Khzam, Faisal N., et al. "Kernelization algorithms for the vertex cover problem." (2017). ↩
Chen, Jianer, et al. "A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem." Proceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. 2008. ↩