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DIREcted FEedback VERtex set solver

A solver for the directed vertex feedback set problem. This library provides the following algorithms and data structures:


  • A directed, simple graph data structure that is implemented with two adjacency sets for each node.
  • A extention of the graph datastructure that alows rebuilding after alteration.


  • Simple kernelization rules as partially described in 1 that include:

    • Removing multi-edges.
    • Adding loop nodes to the solution and removing them from the graph.
    • Removing sink and source nodes.
    • Merging nodes with incomming, or outgoing degree of 1 into its sole in-(resp. out-)neighbor.
  • Strongly connected component rules, that include:

    • Removal of edges connecting strongly connected components.
    • Removal of edges that connect strongly connected components in a subgraph, where strong edges were removed. This rule is described in 2.
  • k-flower rules, that include:

    • Variations of the removal of nodes that are connected to k+1 node disjunct cycles. Where k denotes a upper bound of the DFVS instance. This rule is described in 3.
    • Variations of the removal of nodes that are connected to k+1-l node disjunct cycles C. Where k denotes a upper bound of the DFVS instance, and l denotes a lower bound of the subgraph, after the deletion of all nodes in C.
  • Core rules, that include:

    • Variations of the clique rule, as described in 2, there called "core" rule.
    • Variations of our core rule, which is a generalized version of the clique rule.
  • The dome rule, as described in 2.

  • Vertex Cover rules applied on subgraphs with reciprocal edges:

    • The link node rule, that contract nodes adjacent to and only to exactly two reciprocal edges, going to and coming from nodes v and w. As described for the vertex cover problem in 4. To adapt this rule for the directed feedback vertex set problem, one can not use cases where there exists a directed path from v to w since that might lead to a directed circle that was not present before.
    • The twin node rule, as described in 5. This rule looks for a pair of nodes with identical 3 reciprocal neighbors v, w and u, if there exists a reciprocal edge between any two nodes of v, w and u, those three nodes can be added to the cover.
    • The unconfined (here dubbed dominion) rule as described in 6.
    • And the crown rule as described in 7.


  • Lower bound heuristics:

    • A heuristic that counts and removes small cycles.
    • The lower bound heuristics that finds a clique C, removes it, and adds |C| - 1 to the lower bound. This heuristic is described in 2.
  • Upper bound heuristics:

    • Variations of the big degree heuristic.
    • The lower bound heuristics that finds a clique C, removes it, and adds |C| to the upper bound.
  • Vertex-cover heuristic:

    • Transforms strongly connected components to a vertex cover instance by only regarding reciprocal edges as single undirected edges and discarding the rest.
    • Then, we run a vertex cover solver over that instance. Here we use Duck and Cover 8.
    • If the returned solution is also a solution for the original strongly connected component, then the solution is optimal.
    • Otherwise, we can use the solution as a lower bound, which can also be extended to an upper bound by solving the leftover graph.

Exact Branching Algorithms

  • A simple branching algorithm that should not currently be used.
  • An advanced branching algorithm that first branches on cliques, then on daisies, and finally on small cycles.

Parameterized Algorithm

  • A solver that transforms the instance into a directed arc feedback set instance, then solves by iterative compression and transformation into skew edge multicut instances. As described by 9

Changelog (at 1.0.0)


  • Speed up apply_advanced_scc_rule().
  • Added apply_advanced_scc_rule() to BranchInstance.
  • Added cai_weight() and lin_weight() to Digraph.
  • Added bottom-up and top-down weight heuristics.
  • Added top-bottom-switch weight heuristics.
  • Added local-search heuristics.
  • Added clique upper bound branch heuristic.
  • Simple statistics for the weight heuristics.
  • Binary for statistics on the heuristics.


  • Merge DirectedFeedbackVertexSetInstance and BranchInstance, only using RebuildGraph.
  • Binary that records reduction statistics on multiple files.
  • Iterative approach for scc- and advanced scc rule.
  • Further speed up of the scc- and advanced scc rule.


  • Added exhaustive_reductions().
  • Added apply_exhaustive_core_rule().
  • Added compute_and_set_lower().
  • Added apply_local_k_daisy().
  • Added compute_and_set_simple_upper_lower().
  • Added exhaustive_local_search().
  • Fixed
  • Struct interrupter:
    • Only handles time_outs
    • Implemented for exhaustive reductions
  • Overhauled advanced_branching().
  • Put exhaustive_reductions() in each heuristic and branch and bound.
  • Added current_best to dfvs_instance.
  • Proper bin for statistics on single instance heuristics.
  • advanced_clique_heuristic() branches only to a maximal depth of 3, which could still be too much.
  • Fixed a bug where {RebuildGraph,DFVSInstance}::_reset_reductions() did not reset changes (resp. reductions).
  • Changes to advanced_branching():
    • now branches on highest cai weight (0.3) node if no more daisy or clique remains.
    • checks if the current lower bound (+ the size of the current solution) is greater or equal than the current best solution. If so, returns the best current solution.
    • Handles sccs separately.

1.2.1 (before interrupt in recursive branching)

  • Added branching on double paths in advanced_branching().


  • Complete interrupt for BST.
  • binary for exact statistics


  • Link node rule + restructuring of DFVSInstance.


  • Use fxhash for all hashmaps and hashsets that use usize as a key.


  • Crown rule


  • Twin rule
  • Dominion rule


  • Changes when computing and updating the upper and lower bound.
  • Heuristic over vertex cover
  • SCC split + vc heursitic in exact bin


  • Via vertex_cover now also computes a upper bound


  • Final cleanup


  1. Levy, Hanoch, and David W. Low. "A contraction algorithm for finding small cycle cutsets." Journal of algorithms 9.4 (1988): 470-493.

  2. Lin, Hen-Ming, and Jing-Yang Jou. "On computing the minimum feedback vertex set of a directed graph by contraction operations." IEEE Transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems 19.3 (2000): 295-307. 2 3 4

  3. Fleischer, Rudolf, Xi Wu, and Liwei Yuan. "Experimental study of FPT algorithms for the directed feedback vertex set problem." European Symposium on Algorithms. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.

  4. Chen, Jianer, Iyad A. Kanj, and Weijia Jia. "Vertex cover: further observations and further improvements." Journal of Algorithms 41.2 (2001): 280-301.

  5. Xiao, Mingyu, and Hiroshi Nagamochi. "Confining sets and avoiding bottleneck cases: A simple maximum independent set algorithm in degree-3 graphs." Theoretical Computer Science 469 (2013): 92-104.

  6. Akiba, Takuya, and Yoichi Iwata. "Branch-and-reduce exponential/FPT algorithms in practice: A case study of vertex cover." Theoretical Computer Science 609 (2016): 211-225.

  7. Abu-Khzam, Faisal N., et al. "Kernelization algorithms for the vertex cover problem." (2017).


  9. Chen, Jianer, et al. "A fixed-parameter algorithm for the directed feedback vertex set problem." Proceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. 2008.


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