Add to ChapelR's inventory system for an inventory that can be dragged and dropped onto passage text to interact
Get the simple inventory (or prepare to adapt the code onto your own inventory system)
Copy simple inventory code, and the code from this repo, to your SugarCube story by clicking your story name, then "Edit Story Javascript".
You must also ensure that each of your inventory item wrappers (div, span or whatever) has a unique ID starting with "inv-" that can identify the item that has been used. For example:
<div id="inv-egg" class="invItem" draggable="true" ondragstart="dragInv(event)">Egg</div>
<div id="inv-corn" class="invItem" draggable="true" ondragstart="dragInv(event)">Corn</div>
If you're using ChapelR's inventory system, this can be achieved by altering the <<\inventory>> macro to add such div wrappers, e.g.
content = {
'<div id="inv-' + item + '" class="invItem" draggable="true" ondragstart="dragInv(event)">'
+ item +
You then define interactions in your <<droppable>> macro:
<<droppable "Chicken">>\
<<item "egg">>\
<<goto "Egg">>\
<<item "corn">>\
<<goto "Corn">>\
The chicken clucks.
To style the targets/droppables (i.e. the things you can use your inventory items on), use the class .droppableText.