version 1.0.0
- Yes, you are free to use this project for personal use. Be warned
⚠️ , I'm planning to make a second version very soon, focusing on the refactoring and optimizing the code and the assets as well. - No, most of the my image assets are imported within the project, in the upcoming iterations I will uploading them to an external server.
- I used zustand as my new favourite teddy bear. For its simplicity and 0-hassle 0-boilerplate code to set up a flux architecture.
- I came to the conclusion that the most appropriate architecture for this project was quite simple and would be as follows:
> Where every window added to the DOM, creates a process object in the Process Manger aka the store.
- No, the integrity of the application was crafted by me using Sass only. I took a considerable amount of time to get familiar with the Windows 95 design system.
- I developed this application in my spare time for about 1 week. I had the opportunity to work on several projects with similar logic, so I spent most of my time doing CSS stuff.
- Yes, there are! Besides refactoring and optimizing the application, I want to make this my pet project, where I can have fun trying new things and show off my latest work.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run cypress:open
npm run build