Code used to generate some classical planning algorithm legends for my master's thesis
There are two types of planning algorithms in this repo, namely, Graph Search Planning Algorithm (BFS, DFS, Greedy, A*) and Sampling-based Planning Algorithm (PRM, RRT):
Algorithm | ScreenShot |
Breadth First Search (BFS) | |
Depth First Search (DFS) | |
Greedy Search (Greedy) | |
A* | |
Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) | |
Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRT) |
python3 --num_horizontal_grid 40 --num_vertical_grid 40 --radius 4 --algorithm [BFS, DFS, Greedy, AStar]
- --num_horizontal_grid: the number of horizontal grid
- --num_vertical_grid: the number of vertical grid
- --radius: the radius of the start and goal dots
- --algorithm: the planning algorithm, could be one of BFS, DFS, Greedy and AStar
# For PRM
python3 --radius 4 --algorithm PRM --num_node 1000 --num_nearest 4
# For RRT
python3 --radius 4 --algorithm RRT --num_node 1000 --step_size 20
- --radius: the radius of the start and goal block
- --algorithm: the planning algorithm, could be one of PRM and RRT
- --num_node: the number of sampled nodes in the Roadmap or Tree
- --num_nearest: the number of nearest neighbours used to construct the roadmap
- --step_size: the step size used to extend the tree
- Start Position: Mouse Double Left Click (Green)
- Goal Position: Mouse Double Right Click (Red)
Note: You can also edit the canvas.json
file to customized the environment.