Deployment Link:-
Video Demo of Genesis Swap App
Genesis Swap is a FREE and OPEN SOURCE defi swap web app built on Ethereum Mainnet. The project has been created by Mohammad Ayaan Siddiqui and is a PRACTICE project, professional use not advised. The web app comes with FEEDBACK form and GITHUB source code attached.
The Tech Stack used in creating this project is:-
- Next.js
- Next UI
- Solidity
- Hardhat
- Alchemy SDK
- 0xProtocol
- web3modal
- Ethers.js
- Vercel
- CoinGecko API
- Emojipedia
- Icons8
Steps to run this project on your local machine:-
- Clone this repo using
git clone
Open the cloned folder
ORnpm i --legacy-peer-deps
yarn start
ORnpm run start
Hello everyone, myself Mohammad Ayaan Siddiqui from India. I am a Full Stack WEB3 developer and a Certified Ethereum Developer. I talk about WEB3, Cryptocurrencies, Javascript and Python. If you are interested in either of the topics, connect with me below:-