Revision 2025-02-27
Async Firebase Client library for Arduino Documentation.
This is the REST APIs Firebase Client
library that supports the following Firebase
and Google Cloud
products in one place.
Firebase Realtime Database
Cloud Firestore Database
Cloud Messaging
Firebase Storage
Google Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Storage
Security Rules Management
This Firebase library is quite comprehensive which covers many applications.
It is suitable for all serverless applications e.g. data logging, automation and IoTs. You can choose what options and services you want to use (see Library Build Options) and it also works with any network interfaces (WiFi, Ethernet and GSM/PPP modem).
There are many types of authentications supported and you can manage the user account with sign up (user/guest), delete, verify the user and reset the user password.
This library also supports auto- and one-time authentications and you can force the library to re-authenticate any time.
This library also provides the OTA firmware update functionalities by using your Realtime Database data or Firebase/Cloud Storage object (file).
Note that the Firestore data change listening and Realtime Database disconnected event are not support by the Firebase REST API.
The bare minimum code examples provide the basic guidelines for library usage concepts. There is a little more code that needs to be written but it is still simple and understandable.
You can create your own wrapper class as you want that provides the callback-free, cleaner and simpler API. See the Wrapper example for how to.
You can use security rules to fully control the Firebase services access instead of relying only on the authentication credentials and tokens. For access control using custom claims and security rule use case, see AccessControl example.
This library also provides the test tools (web client app) that are simple and ready to try without coding.
To see how Firebase Realtime Database provides the efficient, fast and reliable performance when work with this library, see StreamPerformanceTest example.
To test notification sending with Firebase Cloud Messaging by using our FCM Web Client App, see WebClient example.
- ESP8266 MCUs based boards
- ESP32 MCUs based boards
- Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010
- Arduino® MKR 1000 WIFI
- Arduino® Nano 33 IoT
- Arduino® MKR Vidor 4000
- Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi (Renesas)
- Arduino® Portenta C33
- Arduino® Nano RP2040
- Arduino® GIGA R1 WiFi
- Arduino® OPTA
- Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)
- Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (RP2350)
- STM32 MCU based boards (minimum 256k Flash memory)
- Teensy 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0 and 4.1
- LAN8720 Ethernet PHY
- TLK110 Ethernet PHY
- IP101 Ethernet PHY
- ENC28J60 SPI Ethernet module
- W5100 SPI Ethernet module
- W5500 SPI Ethernet module
- SIMCom Modules with TinyGSM
- PPP Modules with ESP32 Core v3.x.x
At Arduino IDE, go to menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...
In Library Manager Window, search "firebase" in the search form then select "FirebaseClient".
Click "Install" button.
For PlatformIO
IDE, using the following command.
pio lib install "FirebaseClient""
Or at PIO Home -> Library -> Registry then search FirebaseClient.
In case ESP32, PlatformIO's platform-espressif32 core is outdated. You should use pioarduino platform instead.
For Arduino IDE
, download the zip file from the repository (Github page) by select Code dropdown at the top of repository, select Download ZIP
From Arduino IDE, select menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library....
Choose that previously downloaded.
Rename folder from FirebaseClient-main to FirebaseClient.
Go to menu Files -> Examples -> FirebaseClient and choose one from examples.
For Arduino IDE, the Arduino-Pico SDK can be installed from Boards Manager by searching pico and choose Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 to install.
For PlatformIO, the Arduino-Pico SDK can be installed via platformio.ini
platform =
board = rpipicow
framework = arduino
board_build.core = earlephilhower
monitor_speed = 115200
board_build.filesystem_size = 1m
See this Arduino-Pico SDK documentation for more information.
You cannot install Arduino IDE and Arduino library in Microsoft's OneDrive
folder because the OneDrive
folder is the sandbox or virtual folder instead of real folder which causes the path error when compilation.
For new Firebase
users, please read the Project Preparation and Setup section for preparing the Firebase project.
For new library user that the project was setup and prepared, see the bare minimun examples to start using this library with minimum code that requires by this library.
For more examples please click here.
This library can be used in two modes i.e. async mode and await or sinc mode.
With async mode, the task will store in the FIFO queue. The result of the running task can be obtained via the callback function or the proxy object that assign when calling the functions.
The AsyncClientClass
is the proxy class that provides the queue for async tasks and also the information of task process when working in await or sync mode.
The async task that stored in the queue contains the preprocess HTTP request data (headers without auth tokens and payload).
The SSL Client that assign with the AsyncClientClass
constructor will be the network client used for all async tasks in its queue.
User can assign the network config/identifier object with the AsyncClientClass
constructor to let the library to monitor the network status when operating the request and response.
In addition, some additional network tasks will be performed internally in this library to ensure the network client is working normally before process the request and response e.g. WiFi auto-reconnection when disconnected (can be disable when using with WiFi management library), Ethernet module resetting and initializing (can be disable) with MAC and IPs, GSM network reconnection (can be disable).
If the network config/identifier was not assigned, library will assumed that you are using the native networks that support by the device and core libraries e.g. WiFi, Ethernet and PPP devices e.g. WiFi library in ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pi Pico and Arduino MKR, Ethernet (ETH) library in ESP32 and PPP library in ESP32 device.
The status of WiFi, Ethernet and PPP network connection will be checked by default in this case.
The result of a async task can be obtained from the AsyncResult
class object. This object provides the debug, authentication process event, error information and the response payload of the request.
If no async callback function assigned with the function, the AsyncResult
class object should be assigned otherwise it will work in sync mode.
In this case, it should be polling read for new available information from the AsyncResult
at the end of the loop function.
In the await or sync mode, task will be processed immediately and waits for the end of process when the response is complete or time out or error occurred.
The information (debug/error) can be obtained by the AsyncClientClass
that assign with the function. The response payload or processed value will be obtained if no errors.
The authentications support by this library covers user, service account (admin) and no authentications.
There are authentication classes that store the sign-in and authentication credentials whuch can be used temporary as it will be duplicated to use later.
The authentication tokens are also supported e.g. custom (signed JWT token), ID and access tokens. The refresh token also supports. User can use third party app/services to create these auth token when sign-in and authentication credentials are sensitive and not allowed to store in the sketch.
These authentication tokens (excepts for Reltime Database secret) are the short-lived tokens. It will be expired in 60 minutes.
The FirebaseApp
class will be used to handle the authentication task. Some function that executes in the loop function will keep the authentication process running e.g. FirebaseApp::loop
The authentication process is the task that involved auth token generation using sign-in, auth credentials and tokens that user assigned with the initializeApp
The initializeApp
function is the static function which also allows the authentication process to work in async and await or sync modes.
In version 2.x.x and later, when assign the timeout (> 0) to the initializeApp
function, the authentication task will be processed in await or sync mode.
The callback function assigned with initializeApp
function will provide the auth process event, debug and error information while authenticating in async and sync modes.
In version 2.x.x, the FirebaseApp
class can also maintain the async tasks that shored in other AsyncClientClass
The details for all classes used in this library are available. Click the following links for details.
The OTA firmware update is supported using bin file stored in Firebase Storage
and Google Cloud Storage
buckets or base64 encoded data stored in Realtime Database
The Arduino devices that natively supported OTA firmware update are ESP8266
, ESP32
and Raspberry Pi Pico
Since FirebaseClient v1.3.1, the OTA update in Arduino SAMD21 boards that use NINA firmware and WiFi101 firmware was supported using Internal_Storage_OTA library.
The Internal_Storage_OTA is the modified version of WiFi101OTA library which contains only four required files e.g. Internal_Storage_OTA.h
, InternalStorage.h
, InternalStorage.cpp
and OTAStorage.h
To allow OTA update in SAMD21 Arduino boards, you have to include Internal_Storage_OTA.h
in your sketch.
Then assign the InternalStorage
class object to be used for Realtume Database
via RealtumeDatabase::setOTAStorage
, for Google Cloud Storage
via CloudStorage::setOTAStorage
and for Firebase Storage
via Storage::setOTAStorage
In SAMD21 Arduino boards, if OTA Storage
was not set before calling OTA function, the error OTA Storage was not set
will be occurred.
Finally, once the OTA update was finished, in case Internal_Storage_OTA, you have to call InternalStorage.apply()
to apply the update and then restart.
Some OTA libraries that provide Storage Class
object that derived from the modified version of Arduino WiFi101OTA's OTAStorage
class can also be used.
Click here for details.
You have to setup the Firebase project to use Firebase products
. Visit Understand Firebase Projects to learn more about Firebase projects.
For new Firebase user, go to the Google Firebase Console, sign in to your Google account, and create a new project as the following images.
Click All products
When custom token
, ID token
authorization are used via CustomAuth
, UserAuth
, CustomToken
and IDToken
, the Authentication
service is needed and must be set up otherwise the HTTP status code 400
error will show in the async callback.
service is not required forOAuth2.0 access token authentication using service account
authentication and legacy token (database secret) authorization.
To get started with Authentication
, choose Authentication
and click Get started
Under Sign-in providers, choose Email/Password.
Select Enable
check option in Email/Password
section, and click Save
Then click Users
tab, click Add user
Fill in the Email
and Password
and click Add user
Once the Authentication
was setup, the Web API Key
will be generated. See the Project Settings
page for Web API Key
The Web API Key
is used in all custom token
, ID token
authentications that used via the CustomAuth
, UserAuth
, CustomToken
and IDToken
provider classes and it was assign to the API_KEY
in the exampless.
See API Keys Overview and Authenticate by using API keys for more details.
At the Authentication
page, under Sign-in method
tab, other Sign-in providers can be added.
To add Anonymous
provider, click Add new provider
Select enable check option in Email/Password section, and click Save
To get started with Firebase Realtime Database
, choose Realtime Database
and click Create Database
Set up your Database options
and Security rules
Refer to this Realtime Database locations, the Database URL scheme
depends on the Region name
(Realtime Database location) you selected.
In some Arduino boards that works with WiFiNINA
and WiFi101
firmwares, the database URL that ends with
may not work after the SSL certificate was upload into the board firmware which causes Realtime Database server connection failure.
This issue was found on MKR 1000 WiFi board with WiFi101
firmware at the moment while MKR WiFi 1010 with WiFiNINA
firmware does not have certificate issue.
We don't investigate in to the Arduino firmwares to find the root cause, then us-central1
region for
URL should be selected for this case.
You can choose Start in locked mode
or Start in test mode
for Security rules
Once the database was created, click the Rules
tab and change the Security rules
as following to allow the basic authentication, click Publish
button to apply the changes.
"rules": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null"
The warning Your security rules are not secure. Any authenticated user can steal, modify, or delete data in your database.
will be displayed due to insecure rules which you can change it for more secure later.
Visit Understand Firebase Realtime Database Security Rules to learn more about security rules.
The reference url is the DATABASE_URL
that defined and used in the Realtime Database
examples can be obtained from the Data
tab as the following.
The reference url or database url also can be taken from the Service Account
key file, see Service Account section.
The database secret is the secret key for privileged accessing the Realtime Database
The database secret is now currently deprecated. Alternatively, to use the Realtime Database
with the same privileged access as database secret but secured, the OAuth2.0 access token authentication using service account
via ServiceAuth
provider class is recommended.
To get the database secret, in the Project Settings
page in the Google Firebase Console
, under the Service accounts
Tab, click Database secret
The database secret for the databases are available in the Secrets
To get started with Cloud Firestore Database
, choose Cloud Firestore
and click Create database
Set up your database Name and Location
and Security rules
The first database name (ID) is(default)
which cannot be changed.
Once the database was created, click the Rules
tab and change the Security rules
as following to allow the basic authentication, click Publish
button to apply the changes.
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
Visit Get started with Cloud Firestore Security Rules to learn more about security rules.
To get started with Storage
, choose Storage
and click Get started
Then set the Secure Rules for Cloud Storage
and Cloud Storage location
Once the storage bucket was created, click the Rules
tab and change the Security rules
as following to allow the basic authentication, click Publish
button to apply the changes.
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null
Visit Get started with Firebase Security Rules to learn more about security rules.
The folder path is the STORAGE_BUCKET_ID
that defined and used in the Storage examples can be obtained from the Files
tab as the following.
The folder path or the STORAGE_BUCKET_ID
also can be taken from the Service Account
key file, see Service Account section.
To use the Cloud Functions
for running your backend automate code, the billing plan for the project is needed to be upgraded to at least Blaze
You can Set a billing budget
at this step or skip it.
Click the Get started
button and follow the steps as show in the following images.
TheCloud Build API
andCloud Run Admin API
must be enabled, click here to enableCloud Build API
and here to enableCloud Run Admin API
Create an app (iOS, Android, Web, or Unity app) for getting started.
The following steps showed the web app (Javascript) is created.
Add the Firebase SDK and click Continue to console
After you register the web app in your Firebase project, the next step is you have to use Firebase SDK to use the Firebase services (FCM for this case).
The FCM web app that consists of html document and related scripts requirs the server (local or remote) to run, you cannot access or browse your web app by opening the file from your local computer via file protocol (file://).
The FCM SDK is supported only in pages served over HTTPS. This is due to its use of service workers, which are available only on HTTPS sites (remote host) or HTTP (local host). If you need a provider, Firebase Hosting is recommended and provides a no-cost tier for HTTPS hosting on your own domain.
There are the choises that you can access the Firebase SDK in your web app.
Install the Firebase SDK using the Firebase CLI.
Access the Firebase SDK via the global CDN or npm for Node.js apps.
This library provides the ready to test FCM Web Client App in examples/Messaging/WebClient. You can host this FCM web app files (fcm.html and fcm.php) in your local (php) server (localhost via http) or remote (php) server (https only).
You can open examples/Messaging/WebClient/fcm.html via web browser to review and follow the instructions on that page.
In Windows 11 PC, even notification is granted for your site in the brower notification settings, the notification may go directly to the notification center instead of displaying pop-up, if Do not disturb is On in the System > Notifications of Windows settings and you have to turn it Off to allow the notification pop-up to show.
The app (iOS, Android, Web and Unity) registration token or DEVICE_TOKEN
is a unique token string that identifies each client app instance. The registration token is required for single device and device group messaging. Note that registration tokens must be kept secret, see this for more info.
A service account is a special kind of account (bot or application account) that belongs to app instead of to an individual end user. Service accounts enable server-to-server interactions between an app and a Google service.
In Google Cloud services, there are several different types of service accounts:
User-managed service accounts: Service accounts that you create and manage. These service accounts are often used as identities for workloads.
Default service accounts: User-managed service accounts that are created automatically when you enable certain Google Cloud services e.g.
Firebase Admin SDK Service Account
. You are responsible for managing these service accounts. -
Google-managed service accounts: Google-created and Google-managed service accounts that allow services to access resources on your behalf.
A Firebase Admin SDK Service Account
is created automatically when you create a Firebase project or add Firebase to a Google Cloud project and it is used to communicate with Firebase.
The Service Account
credentials are required for the ServiceAuth
and CustomAuth
To generate and download Service Account
private key file, in the Project Settings
page in the Google Firebase Console
, click Service accounts
tab and Generate new private key
To use Service Account
in your sketch, open the .json file that is already downloaded with the text editor.
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "...",
"private_key_id": "...",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "...",
"client_id": "...",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "...",
"universe_domain": ""
Copy the project_id
, client_email
and private_key
from .json file and paste to these defines in the example.
#define FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID "..." // Taken from "project_id" key in JSON file.
#define FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL "..." // Taken from "client_email" key in JSON file.
const char PRIVATE_KEY[] PROGMEM = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; // Taken from "private_key" key in JSON file.
Normally Firebase Admin SDK Service Account
is used in Firebase APIs authentication/authorization.
To access Google Cloud APIs
e.g. Google Cloud Storage
, Google Cloud Functions
services, you have to update the service account permissions.
When the Firebase Admin SDK Service Account
was used for Google Cloud APIs authentication/authorization, you have to update its permissive roles.
The Basic roles
are highly permissive roles that used to grant principals broad access to Google Cloud resources.
We can add one of Basic roles
i.e. Editor
and/or Owner
To add the Basic's Owner
or Editor
roles, go to the Identity and Access Management console.
Then choose the project, and select the VIEW BY PRINCIPALS
From the table displayed, look at the firebase-adminsdk
in the Name
column, then click the pencil icon on the right side in this table row to Edit principal
Add the role Editor
and/or Owner
under the Basic
roles and click Save
Wait a few minutes for the action to propagate after adding roles.
When you update the ESP8266 Arduino Core SDK to v3.x.x, the memory for Heap and stack can be choosen from the IDE.
You can choose the Heap memory between internal and external memory chip from IDE e.g. Arduino IDE and PlatformIO on VSCode or Atom IDE.
For ESP8266 devices that don't have external SRAM/PSRAM chip installed, choose the MMU option 3, 16KB cache + 48KB IRAM and 2nd Heap (shared).
For ESP8266 devices that have external 23LC1024 SRAM chip installed, choose the MMU option 5, 128K External 23LC1024.
For ESP8266 devices that have external ESP-PSRAM64 chip installed, choose the MMU option 6, 1M External 64 MBit PSRAM.
The MMU options can be selected from build_flags in your project's platformio.ini file
For ESP8266 devices that don't not have external SRAM/PSRAM chip installed, add build flag as below.
platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
For ESP8266 devices that have external 23LC1024 SRAM chip installed, add build flag as below.
platform = espressif8266
;128K External 23LC1024
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
For ESP8266 devices that have external ESP-PSRAM64 chip installed, add build flag as below.
platform = espressif8266
;1M External 64 MBit PSRAM
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
Most ESP8266 modules don't have the built-in SRAM/PSRAM on board. External memory chip connection can be done via SPI port as below.
23LC1024/ESP-PSRAM64 ESP8266
CS (Pin 1) GPIO15
SCK (Pin 6) GPIO14
MOSI (Pin 5) GPIO13
MISO (Pin 2) GPIO12
/HOLD (Pin 7 on 23LC1024 only) 3V3
Vcc (Pin 8) 3V3
Vcc (Pin 4) GND
Once the external Heap memory was selected in IDE, to allow the library to use the external memory, you can set it in FirebaseConfig.h by define this macro.
This macro was defined by default when you installed or update the library.
In ESP32 module that has PSRAM installed, you can enable it and set the library to use this external memory instead.
To enable PSRAM in ESP32 module.
In PlatformIO on VSCode or Atom IDE, add the following build_flags in your project's platformio.ini file.
build_flags = -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue
As in ESP8266, once the external Heap memory was enabled in IDE, to allow the library to use the external memory, you can set it in FirebaseConfig.h by define this macro.
The library build options are defined as preprocessor macros (#define name
Some options can be disabled.
The predefined options that are already set in FirebaseConfig.h are following.
ENABLE_DATABASE // For RTDB compilation
ENABLE_FIRESTORE // For Firestore compilation
ENABLE_FIRESTORE_QUERY // For Firestore Query feature compilation
ENABLE_MESSAGING // For Firebase Cloud Messaging compilation
ENABLE_STORAGE // For Firebase Storage compilation
ENABLE_CLOUD_STORAGE // For Google Cloud Storage compilation
ENABLE_FUNCTIONS // For Google Cloud Functions compilation
ENABLE_RULESETS // For RuleSets compilation
ENABLE_PSRAM // For enabling PSRAM support
ENABLE_OTA // For enabling OTA updates support via RTDB, Firebase Storage and Google Cloud Storage buckets
ENABLE_FS // For enabling Flash filesystem support
// For enabling authentication and token
// For enabling non-sdk networking
The following options are not yet defined in FirebaseConfig.h and can be defined by user.
FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_LIB `"EthernetLibrary.h"` // For the Ethernet library to work with external Ethernet module.
FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_CLASS EthernetClass // For the Ethernet class object of Ethernet library to work with external Ethernet module.
FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_TIMEOUT 2000 // For the timeout in milliseconds to wait external Ethernet module to connect to network.
ENABLE_ESP8266_ENC28J60_ETH // For native core library ENC28J60 Ethernet module support in ESP8266.
ENABLE_ESP8266_W5500_ETH // For native core library W5500 Ethernet module support in ESP8266.
ENABLE_ESP8266_W5100_ETH // For native core library W5100 Ethernet module support in ESP8266.
FIREBASE_DISABLE_ONBOARD_WIFI // For disabling on-board WiFI functionality in case external Client usage.
FIREBASE_DISABLE_NATIVE_ETHERNET // For disabling native (sdk) Ethernet functionality in case external Client usage.
FIREBASE_DISABLE_NATIVE_PPP // For disabling native ESP32 (sdk) PPP functionality.
ENABLE_ASYNC_TCP_CLIENT // For Async TCP Client usage.
FIREBASE_ASYNC_QUEUE_LIMIT // For maximum async queue limit setting for an async client.
FIREBASE_PRINTF_PORT // For Firebase.printf debug port.
FIREBASE_PRINTF_BUFFER // Firebase.printf buffer size. The default printf buffer size is 1024 for ESP8266 and SAMD otherwise 4096. Some debug message may be truncated for larger text.
You can assign the optional build options using one of the following methods.
By creating user config file
in library installed folder and define these optional options. -
By adding compiler build flags with
-D name
. -
By defined the macros before including the library main header file
In PlatformIO IDE, using build_flags
in PlatformIO IDE's platformio.ini is more convenient
build_flags = -D DISABLE_STORAGE
For external Ethernet module integation used with function setEthernetClient
should be defined.
is the Ethernet library name with extension (.h) and should be inside ""
or <>
e.g. "Ethernet.h"
is the name of static object defined from class e.g. Ethernet
is the timeout in milliseconds to wait for network connection.
For disabling predefined options instead of editing the FirebaseConfig.h or using #undef
in UserConfig.h
, you can define these build flags with these names or macros in UserConfig.h
DISABLE_DATABASE // For disabling RTDB support
DISABLE_FIRESTORE // For disabling Firestore support
DISABLE_FIRESTORE_QUERY // For Firestore Query feature compilation
DISABLE_MESSAGING // For disabling Firebase Cloud Messaging support
DISABLE_STORAGE // For disabling Firebase Storage support
ENABLE_CLOUD_STORAGE // For disabling Google Cloud Storage support
DISABLE_FUNCTIONS // For disabling Google Cloud Functions support
DISABLE_RULESETS // For disabling RuleSets support
DISABLE_PSRAM // For disabling PSRAM support
DISABLE_OTA // For disabling OTA updates support
DISABLE_FS // For disabling filesystem support
// For disabling authentication and token
FIREBASE_DISABLE_ALL_OPTIONS // For disabling all predefined build options above
for user config should be placed in the library installed folder inside the src
This UserConfig.h
will not change or overwrite when update the library.
The library code size is varied from 80k - 110k (WiFi and WiFiClientSecure excluded) depends on the build options.
The code size is 170k lesser than ancestor Firebase libraries when perform the same task.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2025 K. Suwatchai (Mobizt)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person returning a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.