Cassius is a plotting toolset for the Augustus statistical modeling package.
The front-end (user) interface is designed to be intuitive: common tasks should be easy and all tasks should be possible. It follows the brief syntactical style of Python and, unlike many plotting toolkits, does not depend on a global state that would make copying script segments unreliable.
The back-end (graphical output) interface is designed to be flexible: the primary output format is scalable SVG, which can be converted to a broad range of vector and raster formats, but other form
from cassius import *
# load the data
dataset = inspect("wiki_Frontpage_dataset.csv")
# take a quick look at it, to get familiar with the fields
# top_plot
timeseriesX = dataset.timeseries("tx,x", linecolor="blue",
informat="%m/%d/%Y-%H:%M:%S", outformat="%b %d")
timeseriesX.xlabel = None
timeseriesX.ylabel = "x or y"
timeseriesY = dataset.timeseries("ty,y", ey="ey", limit=200, informat="%m/%d/%Y-%H:%M:%S")
curveY = Curve("10*cos(x * 2*pi/(60*60*24*7)) + 30", linecolor="red")
legend = Legend([["timeseriesX", timeseriesX],
["timeseriesY", timeseriesY],
["curveY", curveY]],
justify="cc", width=0.3, colwid=[0.7, 0.3], x=0., y=1., anchor="tl")
top_plot = Overlay(timeseriesX, timeseriesY, curveY, legend, frame=0)
# bottom_left_plot
categoricalHist = dataset.histogram("category", fillcolor="yellow",
leftmargin=0.23, bottommargin=0.17, xlabeloffset=0.17)
bottom_left_plot = Overlay(Grid(horiz=regular(200.)), categoricalHist, frame=-1)
# bottom_right_plot
histX = dataset.histogram("x", numbins=100, lowhigh=(15, 45), fillcolor=RGB("blue", opacity=0.5),
ymax=600., rightmargin=0.1, bottommargin=0.17, xlabeloffset=0.17)
histX.xlabel = "x or y"
histY = dataset.histogram("y", numbins=100, lowhigh=(15, 45), fillcolor=lighten("red"))
legend2 = Legend([[None, None, "mean"],
[histX, "histX", str_sigfigs(histX.mean(), 3)],
[histY, "histY", str_sigfigs(histY.mean(), 3)]],
justify="ccr", width=0.6, colwid=[0.3, 0.4, 0.3])
bottom_right_plot = Overlay(histY, histX, legend2, frame=1)
# combining everything into one image
everything = Layout(2, 1, top_plot, Layout(1, 2, bottom_left_plot, bottom_right_plot))
# view(everything)
draw(everything, fileName="wiki_Frontpage_output.svg")