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Aurelius Reference
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the array type.
Usage: avro.array(items)
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the boolean (logical) type.
Usage: avro.boolean
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the bytes (unstructured byte array) type.
Usage: avro.bytes
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the double (floating-point numeric with 64-bit precision) type.
Usage: avro.double
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the enum (set of symbols) type.
Usage: avro.enum(symbols, name = NULL, namespace = NULL)
- symbols: list of string-valued symbol names
- name: required name (if missing, uniqueEnumName is invoked)
- namespace: optional namespace
avro.enum(list("one", "two", "three"))
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the fixed (byte array with fixed size) type.
Usage: avro.fixed(size, name = NULL, namespace = NULL)
- size: size of the byte array
- name: required name (if missing, uniqueFixedName is invoked)
- namespace: optional namespace
avro.fixed(6, "MACAddress")
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the float (floating-point numeric with 32-bit precision) type.
Usage: avro.float
Convenience function for creating an Avro input schema from a data frame
Usage: avro.fromFrame(dataFrame, exclude = list(), name = NULL, namespace = NULL)
- dataFrame: a data.frame object
- exclude: set of field names to exclude
- name: required name of the record (if not specified, uniqueRecordName will be invoked)
- namespace: optional namespace of the record
Yields the full type name (with namespace) of an Avro list-of-lists
Usage: avro.fullName(type)
avro.fullName(avro.record(list(), "MyRecord")) # "MyRecord"
avro.fullName(avro.record(list(), "MyRecord", "com.wowzers")) # "com.wowzers.MyRecord"
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the int (integer numeric with 32-bit precision) type.
Usage: avro.int
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the long (integer numeric with 64-bit precision) type.
Usage: avro.long
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the map type.
Usage: avro.map(values)
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the null type (type with only one value).
Usage: avro.null
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the record type.
Usage: avro.record(fields, name = NULL, namespace = NULL)
- fields: named list of field names and schemas
- name: required name (if missing, uniqueRecordName is invoked)
- namespace: optional namespace
avro.record(list(one = avro.int, two = avro.double, three = avro.string))
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the string (UTF-8) type.
Usage: avro.string
Inspects an R object and produces the corresponding Avro type name
Usage: avro.type(obj)
avro.type("hello") # "string"
avro.type(factor("hello")) # "string"
avro.type(3.14) # "double"
avro.type(3) # "int"
Convenience function for ensuring that Avro type schemas are declared exactly once. It returns a function that yields a full type declaration the first time it is invoked and just a name on subsequent times.
Usage: avro.typemap(...)
tm <- avro.typemap(
MyType1 = avro.record(list(one = avro.int, two = avro.double, three = avro.string), MyType1),
MyType2 = avro.array(avro.double)
tm("MyType1") # produces the whole declaration
tm("MyType1") # produces just "MyType1"
tm("MyType2") # produces the whole declaration
tm("MyType2") # produces the declaration again because this is not a named type
Constructs a list-of-lists Avro schema for the tagged union type.
Usage: avro.union(...)
avro.union(avro.null, avro.int) # a way to make a nullable int
avro.union(avro.double, avro.string) # any set of types can be unioned
Convert a list-of-lists structure into a JSON string in memory or a JSON file on disk.
Usage: json(x, fileName = NULL, newline = TRUE, spaces = TRUE, sigfigs = NULL, stringsAsIs = FALSE)
- x: The structure to convert.
- fileName: If NULL (default), return an in-memory JSON string; if a fileName string, write to a file without incurring in-memory overhead.
- newline: If TRUE (default), end the string/file with a newline.
- spaces: If TRUE (default), include spaces after commas and colons for readability.
- sigfigs: If NULL (default), represent numbers with full precision; if an integer, represent numbers with that many significant digits.
- stringsAsIs: If FALSE (default), process strings to escape characters that need to be escaped in JSON; if TRUE, pass strings as-is for speed, possibly creating invalid JSON.
json(pfaDocument, fileName = "myModel.pfa")
Convenience function for making a (possibly empty) unnamed list, which converts to a JSON array.
Usage: json.array(...)
json.array(1, TRUE, "THREE")
Convenience function for making a (possibly empty) named list, which converts to a JSON object.
Usage: json.map(...)
json.map(one = 1, two = TRUE, three = "THREE")
Creates a list-of-lists representing a PFA cell.
Usage: pfa.cell(type, init, source = "embedded", shared = FALSE, rollback = FALSE)
- type: cell type, which is an Avro schema as list-of-lists (created by avro.* functions)
- init: cell initial value, which is a list-of-lists, usually converted from a model
- source: if "embedded", the init is the data structure, if "json", the init is a URL string pointing to an external JSON file
- shared: if TRUE, the cell is shared across scoring engine instances
- rollback: if TRUE, the cell’s value would be rolled back if an uncaught exception is encountered
pfa.cell(avro.double, 12)
Create a complete PFA document as a list-of-lists. Composing with the json function creates a PFA file on disk.
Usage: pfa.config(input, output, action, name = NULL, method = NULL, begin = NULL, end = NULL, fcns = NULL, zero = NULL, merge = NULL, cells = NULL, pools = NULL, randseed = NULL, doc = NULL, version = NULL, metadata = NULL, options = NULL, env = parent.frame())
- input: input schema, which is an Avro schema as list-of-lists (created by avro.* functions)
- output: output schema, which is an Avro schema as list-of-lists (created by avro.* functions)
- action: R commands wrapped as an expression (see R’s built-in expression function)
- name: optional name for the scoring engine (string)
- method: "map", "emit", "fold", or NULL (for "map")
- begin: R commands wrapped as an expression
- end: R commands wrapped as an expression
- fcns: named list of R commands, wrapped as expressions
- zero: list-of-lists representing the initial value for a "fold“s tally
- merge: R commands wrapped as an expression
- cells: named list of cell specifications (see the pfa.cell function)
- pools: named list of pool specifications (see the pfa.cell function)
- randseed: optional random number seed (integer) for ensuring that the scoring engine is deterministic
- doc: optional model documentation string
- version: optional model version number (integer)
- metadata: optional named list of strings to store model metadata
- options: optional list-of-lists to specify PFA options
- env: environment for resolving unrecognized symbols as substitutions
pfa.config(avro.double, avro.double, expression(input + 10))
Create an executable PFA scoring engine in R by calling Titus through rPython. If this function is successful, then the PFA is valid (only way to check PFA validity in R).
Usage: pfa.engine(config, tempFile = NULL)
- config: list-of-lists representing a complete PFA document
- tempFile: if NULL, generate the PFA as a string in memory and pass it without touching disk; if a string, save the PFA document in a temporary file and have Python load it from that file
pfa.engine(pfaDocument) # where pfaDocument is created by pfa.config
Convert a quoted R expression into a list-of-lists that can be inserted into PFA
Usage: pfa.expr(expr, symbols = list(), cells = list(), pools = list(), fcns = list(), env = parent.frame())
- expr: quoted R expression (e.g. quote(2 + 2))
- symbols: list of symbol names that would be in scope when evaluating this expression
- cells: list of cell names that would be in scope when evaluating this expression
- pools: list of pool names that would be in scope when evaluating this expression
- fcns: list of function names that would be in scope when evaluating this expression
- env: environment for resolving unrecognized symbols as substitutions
pfa.expr(quote(2 + 2))
Builds one tree extracted by pfa.gbm.extractTree.
Usage: pfa.gbm.buildOneTree(tree, categoricalLookup, whichNode, valueNeedsTag = TRUE, dataLevels = NULL, fieldTypes = NULL)
- tree: FIXME
- categoricalLookup: FIXME
- whichNode: FIXME
- valueNeedsTag: FIXME
- dataLevels: FIXME
- fieldTypes: FIXME
Extracts a tree from a forest made by the gbm library.
Usage: pfa.gbm.extractTree(gbm, whichTree = 1)
- gbm: an object of class "gbm"
- whichTree: FIXME
Extract generalized linear model parameters from the glm library
Usage: pfa.glm.extractParams(fit)
Extract generalized linear model net parameters from the glm library
Usage: pfa.glmnet.extractParams(cvfit, lambdaval = "lambda.1se")
- cvfit: an object of class "cv.glmnet"
- lambdaval: FIXME
Usage: pfa.glmnet.inputType(params, name = NULL, namespace = NULL)
Usage: pfa.glmnet.modelParams(params)
Usage: pfa.glmnet.predictProb(params, input, model)
Usage: pfa.glmnet.regressionType(params)
Creates a list-of-lists representing a PFA pool.
Usage: pfa.pool(type, init, source = "embedded", shared = FALSE, rollback = FALSE)
- type: pool type, which is an Avro schema as list-of-lists (created by avro.* functions)
- init: pool initial value, which is a list-of-lists, usually converted from a model
- source: if "embedded", the init is the data structure, if "json", the init is a URL string pointing to an external JSON file
- shared: if TRUE, the pool is shared across scoring engine instances
- rollback: if TRUE, the pool’s value would be rolled back if an uncaught exception is encountered
pfa.pool(avro.double, json.map(one = 1.1, two = 2.2, three = 3.3))
Builds one tree extracted by pfa.randomForest.extractTree.
Usage: pfa.randomForest.buildOneTree(tree, whichNode, valueNeedsTag, dataLevels, fieldTypes = NULL)
- tree: FIXME
- whichNode: FIXME
- valueNeedsTag: FIXME
- dataLevels: FIXME
- fieldTypes: FIXME
Extracts a tree from a forest made by the randomForest library.
Usage: pfa.randomForest.extractTree(forest, whichTree = 1, labelVar = FALSE)
- forest: an object of class "randomForest"
- whichTree: FIXME
- labelVar: FIXME
Convenience or internal function for generating engine names; each call results in a new name.
Usage: uniqueEngineName()
Convenience or internal function for generating enum names; each call results in a new name.
Usage: uniqueEnumName()
Convenience or internal function for generating fixed names; each call results in a new name.
Usage: uniqueFixedName()
Convenience or internal function for generating record names; each call results in a new name.
Usage: uniqueRecordName()
Convenience or internal function for generating symbol names; each call results in a new name.
Usage: uniqueSymbolName(symbols)
Convert a JSON string in memory or a JSON file on disk into a list-of-lists structure.
Usage: unjson(x)
unjson("{\\"one\\": 1, \\"two\\": true, \\"three\\": \\"THREE\\"}")
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