作者,生成 [[分类:作者:输入参数]]。
源地址,生成 源地址:输入内容
在页面 舰队Collection荒潮 通过MsUploadMoegirlVer上传图片,在作者栏输入コニシ,在原地址栏输入http://www55.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
上传图片产生的对应页面输出结果: [[分类:作者:コニシ]] [[分类:舰队Collection荒潮]] 源地址:http://www55.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
To install MsUpload, add the following to your LocalSettings.php:
$wgEnableWriteAPI = true; // Enable the API $wgEnableUploads = true; // Enable uploads $wgFileExtensions = array('png','gif','jpg','jpeg','doc','xls','mpp','pdf','ppt','tiff','bmp','docx', 'xlsx','pptx','ps','odt','ods','odp','odg'); $wgAllowJavaUploads = true; // Solves problem with Office 2007 and newer files (docx, xlsx, etc.)
Then load the extension and configure it as needed. The values shown below are the defaults, so they may be omitted:
wfLoadExtension( 'MsUpload' ); $wgMSU_useDragDrop = true; $wgMSU_showAutoCat = true; $wgMSU_checkAutoCat = true; $wgMSU_useMsLinks = false; $wgMSU_confirmReplace = true; $wgMSU_imgParams = '400px';
- Developed and coded by Martin Schwindl (wiki@ratin.de)
- Idea, project management and bug fixing by Martin Keyler (wiki@keyler-consult.de)
- Updated, debugged and enhanced by Luis Felipe Schenone (schenonef@gmail.com)
- Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com). All rights reserved. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.