The App Features:
- When there is no internet connection and the user would like to add / update / delete post , the app saves this operations and sync it when internet valid.
- I built modular and scalable Android app using Kotlin, Android Architecture Components (LiveData, ViewModel & Room), Dagger, RxJava and RxAndroid among others.
- I Used a combination of Retrofit, Rx, Room and LiveData, we are able to handle networking in the most effective way.
- I Used the lifecycle aware viewmodels, the view observes changes in the model / repository.
- All the data is first tried to be loaded from the db and then updated from the server. This ensures that the app is usable even in an offline mode.
- Made unit testing using Robolectric and Mockito , Junit
- Android Support Libraries
- Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Room
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- Android Paging Library
- Robolectric
- Mockito