For more information, visit For comments or bugs, contact
This folder hosts the R package for the GrENE-net experiment, encompassing all metadata, including sample names, participant information, sample records, environmental data, and scripts for genome sequence manipulation and analysis. To install the package, run: ./build.R
followed by ./install
- build.R: Script for building the R package.
- CPP/: Directory possibly containing C++ source code.
- data/: The data files that will be loaded together with the package when installed adnd loaded via library(grene). Datasets will be accessible in any script as data(“nameofdataset”)
- data-raw/: Datasets from this project in raw format which are parsed and then stored in data/ R scripts starting with gen_.R load those raw datasets, clean them, and store them in data/
- DESCRIPTION: Package metadata including name, version, and dependencies.
- grene.Rproj: RStudio project file.
- gsod/: Directory, potentially related to Global Surface Summary of the Day weather data.
- install: Script for installation.
- LICENSE & Licensing information for the project.
- logs/: Directory for log files.
- man/: Manual pages for the package's functions and datasets.
- NAMESPACE: Controls the export and import of functions in the package.
- R/: ll R functions that will be available and loaded. These functions will be accessible to call when the package is installed and loaded via library(grene) in any script -man/ The manual of the package containing descriptions of functions and datasets. -CPP/ C++ functions that can be accessible to be called from R if loaded via the Rcpp module or sourced via the function Rcpp::sourceCpp()
- & README.Rmd: Descriptive documentation for the project.
- srtm/: Directory, possibly related to Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data.
- TODELETE/: Directory marked for potential deletion.
- wc2-0.5/: Directory, speculated to contain climate or weather data.
Install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
## Example
``` r