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"Dependency Parsing toolbox" integrates different algorithms related to dependency parsing in one place. This toolbox has been developed by Mojtaba Khallash from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

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In the name of Allah

DependencyParser version 1.0

  8 December 2012

This is the README for the "DependencyParser" toolbox that integrates different algorithms related to dependency parsing in one place. This toolbox has been developed by Mojtaba Khallash from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

The home page for the project is:

If you want to use this software for research, please refer to this web address in your papers.

The toolbox can be used freely for non-commercial research and educational purposes. It comes with no warranty, but we welcome all comments, bug reports, and suggestions for improvements.

Table of contents

  1. Compiling

  2. Example of usage

  3. Running the toolbox

      a. Read From Treebank
      b. Create Dependency Graph
      c. Projectivize tree
      d. Deprojectivize tree
      e. Optimizer
      f. Training
      g. Parsing
      h. Evaluation
      i. Hybrid
        i1. Ensemble
        i2. Stacking
      • References

      • Compiling


  • Version 1.7 or later of the Java 2 SDK You must add java binary file to system path.
    In linux, your can open ~/.bashrc file and append this line: PATH=$PATH:/<address-of-bin-folder-of-JRE>
  • Perl 5 or later for "MaltBlender" tools

To compile the code, first decompress the package:

in linux:

tar -xvzf DependencyParser.tgz
cd DependencyParser

in windows:

decompress the

You can open the all projects in NetBeans 7.1 (or maybe later) too.

  1. Example of Usage

For any tools in the DependencyParser package a sample Persian treebank exist in "Treebank" folder. (the full treebank can be download freely from

  1. Running the toolbox

This toolbox run in two mode:

  • gui [default mode]
    Simply double click on jar file or run the following command:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar

  • command-line
    In order to running toolbox in command-line mode must be set -v flag (visible) to 0:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0

for determining of operational mode, must be set -mode flag to one the following values: proj|deproj|optimizer|train|parse|eval|ensemble|stack
details of each operaional mode describe in the next sections. for obtain more information about specific parameters of each operational mode, use -help flag:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -help

3a. Reading From Treebank

This operational mode is only available in gui mode. In this mode, the dependency tree of each sentence and length distribution plot of a CoNLL format corpus can be shown.


3b. Create Dependency Graph

This operational mode is only available in gui mode. In this mode you can enter a sentence word by word. For each word you must specify POS tag. After adding each word, you can manipulate dependency relations between words. You can save the generated tree in CoNLL format.

3c. Projectivize tree

In order to convert non-projective dependency parsing before training the corpus you can use this toolbox. this toolbox have six parameters (for more details see [2]):

-i <input conll file>input file which you want to projectivize
-o <projectivized output>name of output file
-m <projectivizing model name>name of model which will be created by deprojective process
-mark <marking-strategy (None|Baseline|Head|Path|Head+Path)>marking strategy (default: Head)
-covered <covered-root (None|Ignore|Left|Right|Head)>convered root (default: Head)
-lift_order <lifting-order (Shortest|Deepest)>lifting order (default: Shortest)

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode proj -i input.conll -o output.conll -m langModel.mco


3d. Deprojectivize tree

This operational mode is used for de-projective dependency parsing after parsing test corpus that need projectivized model created by the section 3c.

-i <input conll file>projectivized parse file
-m <existing projectivizing model name>model that created after projectivizing
-o <deprojectivizing output>name of output file

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode deproj -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -o output.conll

3e. Optimizer

Goal of this section is choosing best algorithm for giving training corpus and then optimizing their parameters and feature model.

-i <training-corpus>training corpus that used for optimization
-parser <parser-type (malt)>only supports maltparser currently
-phase <optimizing phase (1|2|3|all) [default: all for running all phases]> optimization involves three phases:
  1. Data Characteristics: gathers information about the following properties of the training set.
  2. Parsing Algorithm: explores a subset of the parsing algorithms implemented in MaltParser, based on the results of the data analysis.
  3. Features of Model and Learning Algorithm: tries to optimize the featurea of the model given the parameters chosen so far
-cross_val <using 5-fold cross-validation (0|1) [default: 0]>using "cross-validation" for small training set, or "development set" for big training set.

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode optimizer -i input.conll -parser malt -phase all


3f. Training

Until now four data-driven dependency parsers is supporting in this part. Two of them are transtion-based ("MaltParser" and "ClearParser") and others are graph-based ("MSTParser" and Mate-Tools).

-i <input training corpus>use data in training corpus to train the parser
-m <name of training model>name of training model that will be made after training phase
-parser <parser-type (malt|clear|mst|mate) [default: malt]> malt parameters:
-option <option-file>maltparser have 10 parsing and 2 learning algorithms that can be express in option file with xml format
-guide <guide-file>each of parsing algorithms in maltparser have many parameters that can be express in guide file with xml format
clear parameters:
-option <option-file>clearparser have 2 parsing algorithm and one learning algorithm that can be express in option file with xml format
-guide <guide-file>each of parsing algorithms in clearparser have many parameters that can be express in guide file with xml format
-bootstrap <bootstrapping-level [default: 2]>number of iteration to repeat training phase and improve results
mst parameters:
-decode <decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]> type of dependency tree that want to learn"proj" use the projective parsing algorithm during training (Eisner algorithm) "non-proj" use the non-projective parsing algorithm during training (Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm)
-loss <loss-type (punc|nopunc) [default: punc]>"punc" include punctuation in hamming loss calculation "nopunc" do not include punctuation in hamming loss calculation
-order <order (1|2) [default: 2]> specifies the order/scope of features.
  • order 1: pairwise feature between head and dependent (over single edges)
  • order 2: feature between siblings or between child and grandparent or both (pairs of adjacent edges)
-k <training k-best [default: 1]> specifies the k-best parse set size to create constraints during training (For non-projective parsing algorithm, k-best decoding is approximate)
-iter <training iterations [default: 10]>number of iteration to stop training
-format <file-type (conll|mst) [default: conll]>
  • conll: CONLL formatted files
  • mst: MST formatted files
mate parameters:
-decode <decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]>type of dependency tree that want to learn
-threshold <nonprojective-threshold (0-1) [default: 0.3]> threshold of the non-projective approximation. A higher threshold does causes less non-projective links. A threshold of 0.3 has proven for English, German, and Czech as a very good choice.
-creation <feature-creation (multiplicative|shift) [default: multiplicative]>two ways of creation of features
-core <number-of-core [default: max-exiting-cores]>mate-tools support multicore to speedup training time. this parameter determine number of core that want to use in training
-iter <training iterations [default: 10]>number of iteration to stop training

For example:

// MaltParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode train -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -parser malt -option options.xml -guide guides.xml


// ClearParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode train -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -parser clear -option config.xml -guide feature.xml -bootstrap 2


// MSTParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode train -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -parser mst -decode non-proj -loss punc -order 2 -k 1 -iter 10


// Mate-Tools
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode train -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -parser mate -decode non-proj -threshold 0.3 -core 4 -iter 10


3g. Parsing

This section is also includes 4 dependency parsers described above. For all of algorithms, you must use same value as training phase.

-i <input parsing file>input parse file
-m <name of trined model>name of pre-trained model
-o <output parsed name>name of output parse file
-parser <parser-type (malt|clear|mst|mate) [default: malt]> malt parameters:
[None]any parameter need for parse can be read from informations writen to model during training.
clear parameters:
-option <option-file>configuration file need during parsing in xml format
mst parameters:
-decode <decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]>type of dependency tree that want to parse
-order <order (1|2) [default: 2]>order of feature that use for parsing
-format <file-type (conll|mst) [default: conll]>
  • conll: CONLL formatted files
  • mst: MST formatted files
mate parameters:
-decode <decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]>type of dependency tree that want to parse
-threshold <nonprojective-threshold (0-1) [default: 0.3]> threshold of the non-projective approximation. A higher threshold does causes less non-projective links. A threshold of 0.3 has proven for English, German, and Czech as a very good choice.
-creation <feature-creation (multiplicative|shift) [default: multiplicative]>two ways of creation of features
-core <number-of-core [default: max-exiting-cores]>determine number of core that want to use in parsing

For example:

// MaltParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode parse -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -o output.conll -parser malt

// ClearParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode parse -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -o output.conll -parser clear -option config.xml

// MSTParser
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode parse -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -o output.conll -parser mst -decode non-proj -order 2

// Mate-Tools
java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode parse -i input.conll -m langModel.mco -o output.conll -parser mate -decode non-proj -threshold 0.3 -core 4


  • Same as previous section.

3h. Evaluation

Two type of evaluations can be done in dependency parsing.

  • quantitative evaluation: standard evaluation software for dependency structure which does not produce visualization of dependency structure.
  • qualitative evaluation: produce visualization of dependency structure and also has the ability to highlight discrepancies between the gold-standard files and the parsed files
-i <input parsed file>input parsed file that want to evaluate
-g <gold file>input gold standard file that use to compare with parsed file
-o <output eval log>name of file that write logs and results in it
-metric <metric (LAS|LA|UAS|AnyRight|AnyWrong|BothRight|BothWrong|HeadRight| HeadWrong|LabelRight|LabelWrong|DirectionRight|GroupedHeadToChildDistanceRight| HeadToChildDistanceRight) [default: LAS]>evaluation metric that used for evaluation. NOTE: for selecting multiple metrics, separate them by comma.
-group <group-by (Token|Wordform|Lemma|Cpostag|Postag|Feats|Deprel| Sentence|RelationLength|GroupedRelationLength|SentenceLength|StartWordPosition|EndWordPosition| ArcDirection|ArcDepth|BranchingFactor|ArcProjectivity|Frame) [default: Token]>type grouping for express evaluation results.

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode eval -i input.conll -g gold.conll -o output.conll -metric LAS,UAS -group Token


3i. Hybrid

Two class of hybrid algorithms used in this section:

  • Ensemble: combine baseline parsers in parse time.
  • Stacking: combine baseline parsers in train time.

3i1. Ensemble

Implements a linear interpolation of several baseline parsing models.

-i <input baseline parsers file (separate by comma)>name of baseline parsers
-g <gold file>gold file contain error free data
-o <output file>name of output file after ensemble
-method <method (majority|attardi|eisner|chu_liu_edmond) [default: majority]> methd of combining baseline parser:
  • majority: simple combining by applying majority vote
  • attardi: gready top-down approach to combining parser results
  • eisner: reparsing algorithm that generate projective tree
  • chu_liu_edmond: reparsing algorithm that generate non-projective tree

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode ensemble -i malt.conll,clear.conll,mst.conll,mate.conll -g gold.conll -o ensemble.conll -method attardi


3i2. Stacking

This parser explores a stacked framework for learning to predict dependency structures for natural language sentences. A second predictor is trained to improve the performance of the first, used to approximate rich non-local features in the second parser, without sacrificing efficient, model-optimal prediction.

-i <input train file>input file for train level0 parser (-l 0 or -l all) or level1 parser (-l 1)
-t <input test file>input file for parse level0 parser (-l 0 or -l all) or level1 parser (-l 1)
-l <level (0|1|all) [default: all for running both level]>run level0, level1 or both level
-l0_part <level0 augmented parts [default: 5]>number of part for augment train and test with predictions of level0 parser
-l0_out_train <level0 output augmented train>name of augmented train file after level0
-l0_out_parse <level0 output ougmented parse>name of augmented test file after level0
-l0_parser <level0 parser-type (malt|mst) [default: mst]> malt parameters:
-l0_option <level0 option-file>
-l0_guide <level0 guide-file>
mst parameters:
-l0_decode <level0 decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]>
-l0_loss <level0 loss-type (punc|nopunc) [default: punc]>
-l0_order <level0 order (1|2) [default: 2]>
-l0_k <level0 training k-best [default: 1]>
-l0_iter <level0 training iterations [default: 10]>
-l1_pe <level1 use predicted edge (0|1) [default: 1]>indicates whether the candidate edge was present, and what was its label
-l1_ps <level1 use previous sibling (0|1) [default: 1]>Lemma, POS, link label, distance and direction of attachment of the previous predicted siblings
-l1_ns <level1 use next sibling (0|1) [default: 1]>Lemma, POS, link label, distance and direction of attachment of the next predicted siblings
-l1_gp <level1 use grandparent (0|1) [default: 1]>Lemma, POS, link label, distance and direction of attachment of the grandparent of the current modifier
-l1_ac <level1 use all childs (0|1) [default: 1]>sequence of POS and link labels of all the predicted children of the candidate head
-l1_ph <level1 use predicted head (0|1) [default: 1]>predicted head of the candidate modifier (if PredEdge=0)
-l1_v <level1 use valency (0|1) [default: 1]>predicted childs of the candidate modifier
-l1_parser <level1 parser-type (mst) [default: mst]> mst parameters:
-l1_decode <level1 decode-type (proj|non-proj) [default: non-proj]>
-l1_loss <level1 loss-type (punc|nopunc) [default: punc]>
-l1_order <level1 order (1|2) [default: 2]>
-l1_k <level1 training k-best [default: 1]>
-l1_iter <level1 training iterations [default: 10]>
-l1_output <level1 parsed output>final output parse file after level1

For example:

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode stack -i l0_train.conll -t l0_test.conll -l 0 -l0_out_train aug_train.conll -l0_out_parse aug_test.conll -l0_parser mst

java -jar DependencyParser.jar -v 0 -mode stack -i aug_train.conll -t aug_test.conll -l 1 -l1_parser mst -l1_output output.conll



[1] J. Nilsson and J. Nivre, "Malteval: An evaluation and visualization tool for dependency parsing", in Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Morocco, May. LREC, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008.

[2] J. Nivre and J. Nilsson, "Pseudo-projective dependency parsing", in Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '05), Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 99-106, 2005.

[3] J. Nivre, et al., "MaltParser: A language-independent system for data-driven dependency parsing", Natural Language Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 95-135, 2007.

[4] M. Ballesteros and J. Nivre, "MaltOptimizer: A System for MaltParser Optimization", in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 23-27, 2012.

[5] J. D. Choi and M. Palmer, "Getting the most out of transition-based dependency parsing", in Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 687-692, 2011.

[6] R. McDonald, et al., "Non-projective dependency parsing using spanning tree algorithms", in Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP, pp. 523-530, 2005.

[7] B. Bohnet, "Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction", The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), Beijing, China, 2010.

[8] M. Surdeanu and C. D. Manning, "Ensemble models for dependency parsing: cheap and good?", in Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (NAACL-2010), pp. 649-652, 2010.

[9] J. Hall, et al., "Single malt or blended? A study in multilingual parser optimization", in Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL), Prauge, Czech Republic, pp. 933-939, 2007.

[10] A. F. T. Martins, et al., "Stacking dependency parsers", in Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 157-166, 2008.


"Dependency Parsing toolbox" integrates different algorithms related to dependency parsing in one place. This toolbox has been developed by Mojtaba Khallash from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).







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