Web interface for the BCdatabaser pipeline. Public instance hosted at: https://bcdatabaser.molecular.eco Documentation: https://molbiodiv.github.io/bcdatabaser/
The current logo is designed by @mirzazulfan.
Thanks a lot Mirza!
Feel free to host your own instance of the BCdatabaser web server.
To do so use the docker-compose.yml
included in this repository.
Don't forget to deposit a file .zenodo_token
with your zenodo token.
Also a file .env
is required for OAuth via ORCiD with content like this:
We recommend adding the following two entries to your host crontab
to clean old job data every day and update the local NCBI Taxonomy dump once a week (see issue #15).
Adjust the path to your folder containing the docker_compose.yml
and the desired time and frequency of execution to your needs.
# m h dom mon dow command
10 5 * * * cd /home/bcd/bcdatabaser_prod/ && docker-compose exec web find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +2 -name "tmp-*" -exec rm -rf {} +
30 3 * * 2 cd /home/bcd/bcdatabaser_prod/ && docker-compose exec web bash -c "cd /NCBI-Taxonomy/ && perl make_taxid_indizes.pl && cd /Krona/KronaTools/ && ./updateTaxonomy.sh"
This software is licensed under MIT. Be aware that the libraries and external programs are licensed separately (possibly under different licenses).
- 1.1.2 <2021-11-10> Add retry download mechanic (#16, #31, #36), thanks to @LasKru
- 1.1.1 <2019-11-05> Add online documentation
- 1.1.0 <2019-11-03> Add orcid authentication
- 1.0.0 <2019-07-15> Initial stable release