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Moleculer official website

This is the official website of Moleculer project. This site is built with hexo. Site content is written in Markdown format and located in source.


$ git clone
$ cd site
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Open the http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

Generate static files

$ npm run build


All changes are deployed to Netlify automatically. No need any operation.


Do you speak multiple languages? We need your help! To get started translating, visit and log in with your GitHub account. Select your language and you can start translating.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as a translator:

  • Don't open pull requests to translate Moleculer documentation; instead, do all translations on Crowdin.
  • Do not translate JavaScript keywords like String, Event, Array, Class, etc.
  • Do not translate Moleculer classes, method names, event names, etc.
  • If you find an error in the source English docs, open a pull request on the moleculerjs/site repository.
  • If you've been working as a translator and want to have more influence over the approved translations in your language, let us know and we'll make you a proofreader.

Moleculer's localization effort uses Crowdin, an awesome platform for collaborative translation. Changes on Crowdin are automatically turned into pull requests on this GitHub repository.


Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Moleculer JS

@icebob @icebob