Welcome to my personal portfolio as a software engineer with more than 5 years of experience in python, machine learning, and deep learning.
In this repository you will find either my full work or at least my final results/reviews of my past projects in the past 5 years.
The repository is organized as follow:
├── 01-medhat-omr-phd-thesis
│ ├── Omr_Medhat_201504_PhD.pdf
│ └── README.md
├── 02-Udacity-Self-Driving-Car-Nanodegree
│ ├── 01-CarND-Capstone
│ ├── 02-CarND-Traffic-Sign-Classifier-Project
│ ├── 03-CarND-Behavioral-Cloning-P3
│ ├── 04-CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines
│ ├── 05-CarND-Vehicle-Detection
│ ├── 06-08-CarND-PF-UKF-EKF
│ ├── 09-CarND-Semantic-Segmentation
│ ├── 10-CarND-Path-Planning-Project
│ └── README.md
├── 99-medhat-omr-resume
│ ├── Medhat Omr Resume
│ ├── Medhat Omr Resume - Single Page Version
│ ├── Medhat_Omr_Resume.pdf
│ ├── Medhat_Omr_Resume___Single_Page_Version.pdf
│ └── README.md
└── README.md
In addition to my work presented here, please also have a look at my:
- My Personal Blog: momr.github.com
- My Kaggle Profile: MedhatOmr
- My HackerRank Handler: @MedhatOmr
- StackOverflow Developer Story: Medhat Omr
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/MedhatOmr
- Twitter: @MedhatOmr