This project demonstrate the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) of data obtained from the Gradle Enteprise Export API.
Gradle Enterprise Export API ( is a streaming API that produces a stream of events that occured during the execution of the buid. Export API is implemented via Server-Sent Events which makes it convenient for real-time monitoring but not ncessarily for ah-hoc analysis. By loading the data into an RDBMS we gain the full power of SQL and the ability to easily load the data into specialized analysis and visualization tools.
select b.build_id, b.start from builds b, tasks t where b.build_id = t.build_id and path = ':test' and duration_millis > 1000;
-Dserver - Gradle Enterprise server name. Start with http:// or https://
-Dport - Gradle Enterprise server port. Defaults to 80 for http and 443 for https.
-Dhours - how many hours to go back from now. Default is 24hours. Use 'all' for all builds scans in the system (Warning: maybe be slow)
-DcreateDb - drops and creates all tables
-Dbasic_auth - base64 encoded username:password
-Dnum_of_streams - number of build event streams to process in parallel (defaults to 5)
To run this sample:
Open a terminal window.
Copy ../ge-export/src/main/resources/ to in same dir and fill in DB info.
./gradlew run -Dserver=https://your_server_name -Dhours=24 -DcreateDb
from the command line.