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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Welcome to the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator. The Operator enables easy deploy of the following applications into Kubernetes clusters:

  • MongoDB - Replica Sets, Sharded Clusters and Standalones - with authentication, TLS and many more options.
  • Ops Manager - our enterprise management, monitoring and backup platform for MongoDB. The Operator can install and manage Ops Manager in Kubernetes for you. Ops Manager can manage MongoDB instances both inside and outside Kubernetes.

The Operator requires access to one of our database management tools - Ops Manager or Cloud Manager - to deploy MongoDB instances. You may run Ops Manager either inside or outside Kubernetes, or may use Cloud Manager ( instead.

This is an Enterprise product, available under the Enterprise Advanced license. We also have a Community Operator.

Support, Feature Requests and Community

The Enterprise Operator is supported by the MongoDB Support Team. If you need help, please file a support ticket. If you have a feature request, you can make one on our Feedback Site

You can discuss this integration in our new Community Forum - please use the tag kubernetes-operator


Here are some talks from MongoDB Live 2020 about the Operator:


Install Kubernetes Operator

Deploy MongoDB

Deploy Ops Manager

MongoDB Resource Specification

Ops Manager Resource Specification

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Operator

Known Issues for Kubernetes Operator


Please refer to the Installation Instructions to see which Kubernetes and Openshift versions the Operator is compatible with

To work with MongoDB resource this Operator requires Ops Manager (Ops Manager can be installed into the same Kubernetes cluster by the Operator or installed outside of the cluster manually) or Cloud Manager.

If this is your first time trying the Operator, Cloud Manager is easier to get started. Log in, and create 'Cloud Manager' Organizations and Projects to use with the Operator.


Create Kubernetes Namespace

The Mongodb Enterprise Operator is installed, into the mongodb namespace by default, but this namespace is not created automatically. To create this namespace you should execute:

kubectl create namespace mongodb

To use a different namespace, update the yaml files' metadata.namespace attribute to point to your preferred namespace. If using helm you need to override the namespace attribute with --set namespace=<..> during helm installation.

Installation using yaml files

Create CustomResourceDefinitions

CustomResourceDefinitions (or CRDs) are Kubernetes Objects which can be used to instruct the Operators to perform operations on your Kubernetes cluster. Our CRDs control MongoDB and Ops Manager deployments. They should be installed before installing the Operator. CRDs are defined cluster-wide, so to install them, you must have Cluster-level access. However, once the CRDs are installed, MongoDB instances can be deployed with namespace-level access only.

kubectl apply -f

Operator Installation

In order to install the Operator in OpenShift, please follow these instructions instead.

To install the Operator using yaml files, you may apply the config directly from github;

kubectl apply -f

or can clone this repo, make any edits you need, and apply it from disk:

kubectl apply -f mongodb-enterprise.yaml

Installation using the Helm Chart

MongoDB's official Helm Charts are hosted at

MongoDB Resource

This section describes how to deploy MongoDB instances. This requires a working Ops or Cloud Manager installation. See below for instructions on how to configure Ops Manager.

Adding Ops Manager Credentials

For the Operator to work, you will need the following information:

  • Base URL - the URL of an Ops Manager instance (for Cloud Manager use
  • (optional) Project Name - the name of an Ops Manager Project for MongoDB instances to be deployed into. This project will be created by the Operator if it doesn't exist. We recommend that you allow the Operator to create and manage the projects it uses. By default, the Operator will use the name of the MongoDB resource as the project name.
  • (optional) Organization ID - the ID of the Organization which the Project belongs to. By default, the Operator will create an Organization with the same name as the Project.
  • API Credentials. This can be any pair of:
    • Public and Private Programmatic API keys. They correspond to user and publicApiKey fields in the Secret storing credentials. More information about the way to create them using Ops Manager UI can be found here
    • Username and Public API key. More information about the way to create them using Ops Manager UI can be found here

Note: When creating API credentials, you must allow the Pod IP range of your Kubernetes cluster to use the credentials - otherwise, API requests from the Operator to Ops Manager will be rejected. You can get the Pod IP range of your kubernetes cluster by executing the command: kubectl cluster-info dump | grep -m 1 cluster-cidr

This is documented in greater detail in our installation guide


A Project object is a Kubernetes ConfigMap that points to an Ops Manager installation and a Project. This ConfigMap has the following structure:

$ cat my-project.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-project
  namespace: mongodb
  projectName: myProjectName # this is an optional parameter
  orgId: 5b890e0feacf0b76ff3e7183 # this is an optional parameter
  baseUrl: https://my-ops-manager-or-cloud-manager-url

projectName is optional, and the value of will be used if it is not defined. orgId is required.

Apply this file to create the new Project:

kubectl apply -f my-project.yaml


For a user to be able to create or update objects in this Ops Manager Project they need either a Public API Key or a Programmatic API Key. These will be held by Kubernetes as a Secret object. You can create this Secret with the following command:

$ kubectl -n mongodb create secret generic my-credentials --from-literal="user=my-public-api-key" --from-literal="publicApiKey=my-private-api-key"

Creating a MongoDB Resource

A MongoDB resource in Kubernetes is a MongoDB. We are going to create a replica set to test that everything is working as expected. There is a MongoDB replica set yaml file in samples/mongodb/minimal/replica-set.yaml.

If you have a Project with the name my-project and Credentials stored in a secret called my-credentials, then after applying this file everything should be running and a new Replica Set with 3 members should soon appear in Ops Manager UI.

kubectl apply -f samples/mongodb/minimal/replica-set.yaml -n mongodb

MongoDBOpsManager Resource

This section describes how to create the Ops Manager Custom Resource in Kubernetes. Note, that this requires all the CRDs and the Operator application to be installed as described above.

Create Admin Credentials Secret

Before creating the Ops Manager resource you need to prepare the information about the admin user which will be created automatically in Ops Manager. You can use the following command to do it:

$ kubectl create secret generic ops-manager-admin-secret  --from-literal=Username="" --from-literal=Password="Passw0rd."  --from-literal=FirstName="User" --from-literal=LastName="Name" -n <namespace>

Note, that the secret is needed only during the initialization of the Ops Manager object - you can remove it or change the password using Ops Manager UI after the Ops Manager object is created.

Create MongoDBOpsManager Resource

Use the file samples/ops-manager/ops-manager.yaml. Edit the fields and create the object in Kubernetes:

$ kubectl apply -f samples/ops-manager/ops-manager.yaml -n <namespace>

Note, that it can take up to 8 minutes to initialize the Application Database and start Ops Manager.

Accessing the Ops Manager UI using your web browser

In order to access the Ops Manager UI from outside the Kubernetes cluster, you must enable spec.externalConnectivity in the Ops Manager resource definition. The easiest approach is by configuring the LoadBalancer service type.

You will be able to fetch the URL to connect to Ops Manager UI from the Service object created by the Operator.

Removing the Operator, Databases and Ops Manager from your Kubernetes cluster

As the Operator manages MongoDB and Ops Manager resources, if you want to remove them from your Kubernetes cluster, database instances and Ops Manager must be removed before removing the Operator. Removing the Operator first, or deleting the namespace will cause delays or stall the removal process of MongoDB objects, requiring manual intervention.

Here is the correct order to completely remove the Operator and the services managed by it:

  • Remove all database clusters managed by the Operator
  • Remove Ops Manager
  • Remove the Operator
  • Remove the CRDs


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