It is a module that controls the LCD equipped with HD44780 compatible controller such as LCD1602A, LCD2004A via I2C.
Python3 ※Changing the configparser part will work with Python2 as well.
This module use mojimoji to display japanese kana characters.
pip3 install mojimoji
Create a config file and place it under the conf folder.Refer to conf/lcdsample.conf.
The default I2C address is 0x27 of PCF9574T. For PCF9574AT, the default I2C address is 0x3f. -
Number of display digits on LCD -
Number of display rows on LCD -
Backlight control flag Normally set to 'On'. -
Mode to shift when the number of display digits is exceeded- 0
Not shift - 1
One byte left shift - 2
One byte right shift - 3
Shift left and right alternately
- 0
Set 'On' to use japanese kana characters.
Refer to, and incorporate it.
With 1602A, up to 40 bytes of characters can be shifted per line. In 2004A, 40 bytes of characters are all displayed, so it will not be useful.If shiftmode is 1 or 2, 40 bytes of characters including the blank are shifted.