Jira webhook listener with TG notifications feature.
Application looking for config.yaml file in the working directory.
Example config:
loglevel: info
port: 80
path: /webhook
loglevel: info
- name: test-bot
token: '0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0'
- name: another-bot
token: '1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1'
- id: adminka
tgChannelId: '-694897555'
botName: test-bot
- id: office
tgChannelId: '-694986868'
botName: another-bot
issueEventTemplate: office-templates/issue.hbs
commentEventTemplate: office-templates/comment.hbs
Templates powered with handlebars. All handlebars-helpers are also available.
Examples (default templates in the same time)
GET /healtz