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#summary How to install get_flash_videos

  1. labels Featured,Phase-Deploy

Table of Contents


Basic requirements:

  * perl >= 5.8.0
  * WWW::Mechanize (but not for the combined version, see OSX below).
  * Module::Find
  * Term::ProgressBar

Optional requirements (for support for certain sites):

  * rtmpdump (see section below)
  * XML::Simple
  * Data::AMF
  * Compress::Zlib
  * Crypt::Rijndael
  * ffmpeg or avconv
  * LWP::Protocol::https
  * LWP::Protocol::socks

Various operating systems

Debian / Ubuntu packaged version

Run the following commands in a terminal, this installs it system-wide.

 sudo apt-get install libwww-mechanize-perl libxml-simple-perl
 sudo dpkg -i get-flash-videos_1.24-1_all.deb

Then, to download something:

 get_flash_videos url..

See UsageExamples for more.


This installs all the dependencies:

yum install -y perl-libxml-perl perl-WWW-Mechanize perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-Crypt-Rijndael

You can then simply run the downloaded script.

Some sites require Data::AMF. This isn't packaged for Fedora apparently so you'll have to download it off CPAN.

Other Linux/Unix-like OS

Install the Perl modules WWW::Mechanize (required) and XML::Simple (required for some sites). Preferably install the packaged versions of these provided by your distribution. If you can't, install the modules off CPAN - follow our short walkthrough or read the perlmodinstall documentation for more extensive information.

Then run the following commands in a terminal, this installs get-flash-videos system-wide.

 sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/get_flash_videos
 sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/get_flash_videos

Then, to download something:

 get_flash_videos url..

See UsageExamples for more.


Install ActivePerl, making sure you tell the installer to add perl's bin directory to your PATH.

Install the Perl modules WWW::Mechanize (required) Term::ProgressBar Module::Find and XML::Simple (required for some sites). You can install these using ActivePerl's PPM tool.

Save get-flash-videos somewhere on your hard disk, for example c:\flash.

Then, to download something:

 Start -> Run -> cmd
 perl c:/flash/get_flash_videos url

If Data:AMF is required this isn't available using ppm using cpan instead, fails due to tests but can be installed using - only do this if site requires Data::AMF

notest install Data::AMF


Install Homebrew

Run the following commands in a terminal, this installs it in your home directory.

# Install system dependencies
brew install git rtmpdump

# Install perl dependencies
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install YAML::Perl::Base'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Crypt::Rijndael'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install WWW::Mechanize'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Crypt::Blowfish_PP'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Module::Find'

# Download get_flash_videos
git clone git:// get-flash-videos
cd ./get-flash-videos
git checkout release
chmod a+x ./get_flash_videos

Then, to download something:

 ./get_flash_videos url..

See UsageExamples for more.


get_flash_videos can download videos from servers over RTMP, this needs rtmpdump. You can get a copy of rtmpdump from If you compile it or use an unpackaged version you should chmod it as executable and copy this to somewhere on your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin). If you have problems compiling, make sure you have libssl-dev installed.

ffmpeg / avconv

For HLS downloads, audio correction, either ffmpeg or avconv can be used replacing the .ts by a corrected .mp4 file.

Using get_flash_videos

See the manpage for details on how to use get_flash_videos.