Aqara (Xiaomi) Gateway to MQTT bridge. I use it for home assistant integration and it works well now.
You need to activate developer mode (described here:
Bridge accept following MQTT set:
"home/plug/heater/status/set" -> on
will turn on plug/heater and translate devices state from gateway:
"home/plug/heater/status" on
Docker image support following architectures (you must choose your architecture in docker-compose):
- armhf (raspberry pi 3, arm32v7)
- i386 (x86 pc)
- x64 (x64 pc)
Edit file config/config-sample.yaml and rename it to config/config.yaml
Sample docker-compose.yaml file for user:
image: monster1025/aqara-mqtt:1-armhf
container_name: aqara
- "./config:/app/config"
net: host
restart: always
General discussions:
- Gateway rgb light as home assistant bulb template
- platform: mqtt_template
name: "Main Gateway"
state_topic: "home/gateway/main/rgb"
command_topic: "home/gateway/main/rgb/set"
command_on_template: "{%- if red is defined and green is defined and blue is defined -%}{{ red }},{{ green }},{{ blue }}{%- else -%}255,179,0{%- endif -%},{%- if brightness is defined -%}{{ (float(brightness) / 255 * 100) | round(0) }}{%- else -%}100{%- endif -%}"
command_off_template: "0,0,0,0"
state_template: "{%- if value.split(',')[3]| float > 0 -%}on{%- else -%}off{%- endif -%}" # must return `on` or `off`
brightness_template: "{{ (float(value.split(',')[3])/100*255) | round(0) }}"
red_template: "{{ value.split(',')[0] | int }}"
green_template: "{{ value.split(',')[1] | int }}"
blue_template: "{{ value.split(',')[2] | int }}"
- Switch automation example:
platform: mqtt
topic: home/switch/hall/status
payload: 'click'
service: script.hall_force_light_on