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Expansions for Perch CMS using Typinator 7+.


Requires Typinator 7. Typinator is an incredible text expansion tool and I can't recommend it more highly. It is Mac only, so sorry everyone else. Version 7 greatly enhanced the dialogs and enables for really powerful expansions. Take a look, I think you will really like how Typinator and this expansion set enhance your Perch development.

You can get it here:

6/11/21 Update

Now supports the creation of filtering arrays for filtering for multiple fields in perch_content_custom, perch_collection, and perch_shop_productexpansions. Adds support for AND/OR matching and 'filter-mode' => 'ungrouped' on multiple field filtering. PERCH Filtering Arrays creates this block of code:

  perch_collection('Webinars', [
	 'template'      => 'webinarListing',
	 'sort'          => 'eventDate',
	 'sort-order'    => 'ASC',
	 'sort-type'     => 'alpha',
	 'filter'        => [
	 'filter'        => 'displayFrom',
	 'match'         => 'gte',
	 'value'         => date('Y-m-d'),
	 'filter'        =>'',
	 'match'         =>'',
	 'value'         =>''
	 'filter-mode'   => 'ungrouped',

The filtering array is created and the criteria is entered into the first filter array item. You can then edit the second set of values for the next array in your code editor.

8/6/20 Update

Corrects the closing brackets for perch_layout when there are no arguments.

4/13/20 Update

Adds support for Pipit Phone Template Filter(, Tim Kinali's Swatches ( and Calendar ( fieldtypes, and Cognetif's PageSelect ( fieldtype.

3/26/20 Update

Added several new expansions: perch_shop_products, perch_shop_product, perch_shop_brands, and perch_shop_brand. Fixed a bug with return-html value on data return expansions. Added editor-config to textarea expansion. Added no-index option to all template-level field expansions. Added mailchimp, email, sharing, and categories to all template-level expansions. Added pagination and navigation values to perch:if expansions. The ps\ expansion now seaches the perch documentation sites as well as the old and new forums. Assorted other enhancements.

6/14/18 Update

With today's revision to the expansion set, Perch's new templating tag formatting introduced in version 3.1 is now supported. Select Perch version 3.1:

PERCH 3.1 Templating Support

The tag will now be formatted like this with boolean values and without the XHTML-style /> closing:

<perch:content id="partner_name" type="text" label="Partner Name" format="UC" required html size="m" suppress title >

The expansion set still supports the older format as well. Just select an older version number from the dropdopwn menu. Just like the App Space selection, the version selection is remembered between sessions.

Setting it up

Once you have Typinator installed, you can use its new subscribe function to connect to this set of Perch expansions. Under the Action menu, select Sets, and then select Subscribe to Set via URL... In the window that pops up, enter this address:

So now the Perch expansion set should be in the sets panel of the Typinator application and you should be able to start using them! You can set which applications your expansion sets are active in. This is done with the little application icon under the list of sets.

So let's take a look at the exansions! (Note: when you type an expansion, case doesn't matter. It's just added here for clarity)

How it works

So I tried to set up the expansions in a logical way so that learning them is as easy as possible. For working in templates, no matter which perch application you're in, you enter an abbreviations that begins with pt, as in Perch Template, followed by the field type or code you would like, followed by a trailing \. So the Abreviation ptsmarttext\ will present a dialog that looks like this:


First, you set the appspace. In this case, it's Content to create a perch:content tag. The appspace selection is remembered through all the template dialogs until you change it, so you only need to worry about it when you change appspaces. Then you fill out the dialog box with the variables and setting you would like. When you hit ok, this is delivered to your editor:

<perch:content id="subheadtext" type="smarttext" label="Subhead Text" size="m" />

It only outputs the fields you specify but still shows you all the options that are available to you. So this expansion:


will output:

<perch:content id="subheadtext" type="smarttext" label="Subhead Text" required="true" size="xl" title="true" order="4" suppress="true" divider-before="Event Details" title="true" help="This title will appear in the capsule summary. " />

If you ever get lost

pHelp\ If you ever get lost, typing pHelp\ will open Typinator's Quick Search window:


Typing some text (like 'template', shown above) will show the expansions available involving templates... Then just click on the one you would like to open the expansion.

Why I Love it

The expansion set is designed to be smart. For example, if you create a field on a template using one of the ptFieldType\ expansions, and then do a ptIf\ expansion:

Perch If

It inserts the field ID for the field you last created in case that's what you wanted. so hiting enter delivers:

<perch:if exists="subheadtext">

By the way, some of the expansions, like the Perch:If tag above, create just the opening tag. So to close the tag later, you would put the backslash first, like this: \ptif. Perch:before ptb\ \ptb, perch:after pta\ \pta, pearch:repeater ptr\ \ptr and some others work that way as well.

The \ptif expansion is really powerful, here's a list of what's available in the perch:if Special IDs dropdown:

Perch If Special IDs

Here's an example of an expansion that creates a perch_content_custom block:


With the Align Assignment Operators set to Aligned Operators You will get this delivered to your editor:

  perch_content_custom('Birds', array(
     'page'          => '/birds.php',
     'template'      => '/birds/roosts.html',
     'filter'        => 'feathered',
     'match'         => 'eq',
     'value'         => 'true',
     'skip-template' => 'true',

If you prefer Non-Aligned Operators (=>) output:

  perch_content_custom('Birds', array(

or if you prefer Single-line output:

<?php perch_content_custom('Birds', array('page'=>'/birds.php', 'template'=>'/birds/roosts.html', 'filter'=>'feathered', 'match' =>'eq', 'value'=>'true', 'skip-template'=>'true',));?>

So only the field values that you specify are output to the editor as the code block is created based on your input.

Function Guides

Another type of expansion provides a guide to Perch's attributes and functions for a particular app space or special field types. For example, here is the expansion psFunctions\ that presents the following:


In the case of these expansions, it will drop an example function into your editor and optionally take you to that function’s page in the Perch Documentation.

The options here are:


So, selecting perch_shop_brands() will output:

<?php perch_shop_brands(); ?> to your editor and if the Open Perch Docs: Shop Functions is checked, it will open a Safari window to that function’s page in the Perch Documentation.

Hope you love it, too

This is a work in progress. It's not a complete set of expansion, but it's pretty vast. If you use the subscribe function, I think that you will be updated anytime I make changes to the set on GitHub.

If you find this useful, let me know. If there's a way to make it better, I’d love to hear that as well. Not sure what the best way to collaborate on something like this is, but we'll figure it out. Happy Perching!

Here's the list of expansions by group:

Perch Templating

Abbreviation Expands to
appspace\ Set the Perch App Space and Perch version number
ptBlock\ Creates a Perch Block within the Perch Blocks Framework
ptBlocks\ Creates a Perch Blocks Framework
ptCalendar\ Creates a calendar fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Calendar fieldtype.
ptCheckbox\ Creates a checkbox type field on your template
ptCom\ Begin a Perch Comment Section (<!--*)
ptComment\ Adds a Perch comment line (<!--* *-->)
ptComposite\ Creates a composite field of other field values
ptDataselect\ Creates a dataselect type field in your template
ptDate\ Creates a date type field in your template
ptElse\ Creates a Perch else tag in your template
ptGroup\ Creates an opening Perch group tag in your template. (Perch 3.1 beta feature)
pTemplate\ Creates a Perch Template Call. This can be used in templates to call in other templates.
ptEventsTags\ List of all Perch Event IDs
ptFA\ Creates a Creates a Font Awesome field in your template. Requires Pipit Font Awesome App.
ptFile\ Creates a file field in your template
ptHidden\ Use this to add Perch special field ids
ptIf\ Creates the opening <perch:if> conditional tag
ptImage\ Creates an image type field in your template
ptIncludes\ Use to include one template in another
ptLayoutVar\ Use to output a layout variable using perch_layout_var. Optionally wrap in a conditional if perch_layout_has
ptLink Creates a Link type field in your template. Requires an non-standard custom fieldftype
ptMap\ Creates a map type field in your template
ptNavTags\ List of all Perch Navigation IDs
ptNoresults\ Adds <perch:noresults></perch:noresults> to your template to display something different when there are no results returned
ptNumber\ Creates a number type field in your template
ptOptions\ Use this to add admin field tags to your template items
ptPagelist\ Creates a pagelist field in your template. Requires optional pagelist fieldtype
ptPageSelect\ Creates a pageselect field in your template. Requires optional Cognetif Page Select fieldtype.
ptPeriod\ Creates a period type field in your template
ptPhone\ Creates a formatted phone number field in your template. Requires optional Pipit phone template filter Pipit Phone Template Filter.
ptRadio\ Creates a radio type field in your template
ptSelect\ Creates a select type field in your template
ptSlug\ Creates a slug field for an id
ptSmarttext\ Creates a smarttext field in your template
ptSwatches\ Creates a swatches fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Swatches fieldtype.
ptTable\ Creates a table field in your template. (Requires optional optional fieldtype by Simon Ansell)
ptText\ Creates a text field in your template
ptTextarea\ Creates a a multi-line block of text in your template
ptTime\ Creates a time only field on your template
ptTimestamp\ Creates a timestamp field in your template (requires optional fieldtype by Monty Lewis)
ptVimeo\ Creates an Vimeo type field in your template. Requires Vimeo fieldtype
ptYoutube\ Creates an YouTube type field in your template. Requires YouTube fieldtype
reset\ Resets Typinator's variables for the Perch Expansion Set
suppress\ Adds the suppress tag for fields

Blog Expansions

Abbreviation Expands to
pbCustom\ Creates a Perch Blog Custom block
pbFunctions\ List of all the Perch Blog functions details.
pbURL\ Creates a perch:blog URL Tag

Content Expansions

Abbreviation Expands to
pcCreate\ Creates a perch_content_create block
pcCustom\ Create a perch_content_custom block
pcCollection\ Create a perch_collection block
pcFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Content Functions and Documentation
pcGet\ Outputs a perch_content call

Navigation Expansions

Abreviation Expands to
pnFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Navigation Functions and Documentation
ppAtributes\ A guide to the Perch Page Attributes and Documentation

Shop Expansions

Abreviation Expands to
psProduct\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_product function with optional value pairs
psProducts\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_products function with optional value pairs
psBrand\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_brand function with optional value pairs
psBrands\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_brands function with optional value pairs
psFunctions\ A guide to all the Perch Shop Functions and Documentation

Layout Expansions

Abbreviation Expands to
pLayout\ Use to make a call to perch_layout function with optional value pairs
plFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Layout Functions and Documentation

Third-Party App Expansions

Abbreviation Expands to
ptCalendar\ Creates a calendar fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Calendar fieldtype.
pFA\ Creates a Font Awesome call in php files. Requires Pipit Font Awesome App.
ptPageSelect\ Creates a pageselect field in your template. Requires optional Cognetif Page Select fieldtype.
ptSwatches\ Creates a swatches fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Swatches fieldtype.

MacDown Screenshot

Perch Site Interaction

Many of the expansion dialogs have a checkbox at the bottom that enable you to open the page for that function or tag in the Perch Documentation. There is also a built in site search (pS\) as shown above.

Abbreviation Expands to
pS\ Searches the Perch Site, Documentation, and Forum
pNews\ Opens the Grabaperch site news and current version pages
pAccount\ Opens your account page at Grabaperch

Complete list as of 4/13/2020

Abbreviation Expands to
/pA Closing Perch:After
/pB Closing Perch:Before
/pError Closing Perch:Error
/pEvery Closing Perch:Every
/pIf Closing Perch:If
/pM Closing Perch:Member
/pNoresults Closing Perch:Noresults
/pR Closing Perch:Repeater
/ptA Closing Perch:After
/ptB Closing Perch:Before
ptCom\ Begin a Perch Comment Section
/ptCom End a Perch Comment Section
/ptComment Creates a Perch Comment Section
/ptError Closing Perch:Error
/ptEvery Closing Perch:Every
/ptGroup Closing Perch:Group
/ptIf Closing Perch:If
/ptM Closing Perch:Member
/ptNoresults Closing Perch:Noresults
appspace\ Set the Perch App Space
pA\ Opening Perch:After Tag
pAll\ Creates a Perch Show all tag for debugging
pB\ Opening Perch:Before Tag
pbCustom\ Creates a Perch Blog Custom block
pbFunctions\ List of all the Perch Blog functions details.
pbURL\ Creates a perch:blog URL Tag
pCat\ Creates a perch_category() function to display a single category when passed a category path.
pCats\ Creates a perch_categories() function to display a listing of your categories.
pcCreate\ Creates a perch_content_create block
pcCustom\ Create a perch_content_custom block
pcFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Content Functions and Documentation
pcGet\ Outputs a perch_content call
pConfigBuckets\ Adds a configuration block to the buckets config file
pConfigdebug\ Turn on debugging in the main config file
pCSS\ Add a call to the for Perch's perch_get_css to a page
pDebug\ Adds the PerchUtil debug tag to a page
peCalendar\ Adds a call to the Perch Events app to create a calendar
peCustom\ Creates a perch_events_custom block
peFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Event Functions and Documentation
peGet\ Creates a call for perch_event
peListing\ Creates a call for a perch_event listing
pElse\ Creates a Perch else tag in your template
peSlug\ Creates a tag for the Events app eventSlug
peTitle\ Creates a tag for the Events app eventTitle
pEvery\ Creates a perch:every tag
pFA\ Creates a Font Awesome call in php files. Requires Pipit Font Awesome App.
pfGet\ Creates a call to perch_form function
pget\ Creates a perch_get tag
pgFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Gallery Functions and Documentation
phelp\ Use this to search the abreviations and expansions. Make sure Typinator quick search is set to:⌥⇧⌘"."
pIf\ Creates the opening <perch:if> conditional tag
pInit\ Creates the Initial Perch Runtime call
pJavascript\ Creates the perch_get_javascript call
pLayout\ Use to make a call to perch_layout function with optional value pairs
plFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Layout Functions and Documentation
pmFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Member Functions and Documentation
pnFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Navigation Functions and Documentation
ppAtributes\ A guide to the Perch Page Attributes and Documentation
pPrefsdebug\ Adds the PERCH_DEBUG line to the config file
pR\ Creates an opening Perch repeater tag
pSetVar\ Adds a Perch:System set variable item
psProduct\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_product function with optional value pairs
psProducts\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_products function with optional value pairs
psBrand\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_brand function with optional value pairs
psBrands\ Use to make a call to perch_shop_brands function with optional value pairs
psFunctions\ A guide to the Perch Shop Functions and Documentation
pShowall\ Adds the Perch Show All tag to temaplate for debugging
ptA\ Opening Perch:After Tag
ptAll\ Creates a Perch Show all tag for debugging
ptBlock\ Creates a Perch Block within the Perch Blocks Framework
ptBlocks\ Creates a Perch Blocks Framework
ptBlogTags\ List of all Perch Blog IDs
ptCalendar\ Creates a calendar fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Calendar fieldtype.
ptCheckbox\ Creates a checkbox type field on your template
ptCom\ Begin a Perch Comment Section
ptComment\ Adds a Perch comment line
ptComposite\ Creates a composite field of other field values
ptDataselect\ Creates a dataselect type field in your template
ptDate\ Creates a date type field in your template
ptElse\ Creates a Perch else tag in your template
ptFA\ Creates a Creates a Font Awesome field in your template. Requires Pipit Font Awesome App.
pTemplate\ Creates a Perch Template Call. This can be used in templates to call in other templates.
ptEventsTags\ List of all Perch Event IDs
ptFile\ Creates a file field in your template
ptGroup\ Creates an opening Perch group tag in your template. (Perch 3.1 beta feature)
ptHidden\ Use this to add Perch special field ids
ptIf\ Creates the opening <perch:if> conditional tag
ptImage\ Creates an image type field in your template
ptIncludes\ Use to include one template in another
ptLayoutVar\ Use to output a layout variable using perch_layout_var. Optionally wrap in a conditional if perch_layout_has
ptLink Creates a Link type field in your template. Requires an non-standard custom fieldftype
ptMap\ Creates a map type field in your template
ptNavTags\ List of all Perch Navigation IDs
ptNoresults\ Adds <perch:noresults></perch:noresults> to your template to display something different when there are no results returned
ptNumber\ Creates a number type field in your template
ptOptions\ Use this to add admin field tags to your template items
ptPagelist\ Creates a pagelist field in your template. Requires optional pagelist fieldtype
ptPageSelect\ Creates a pageselect field in your template. Requires optional Cognetif Page Select fieldtype.
ptPeriod\ Creates a period type field in your template
ptPhone\ Creates a formatted phone number field in your template. Requires optional Pipit phone template filter Pipit Phone Template Filter.
ptRadio\ Creates a radio type field in your template
ptSelect\ Creates a select type field in your template
ptSlug\ Creates a slug field for an id
ptSmarttext\ Creates a smarttext field in your template
ptSwatches\ Creates a swatches fieldtype that supports multiple dates. Requires Tim Kinali’s Swatches fieldtype.
ptTable\ Creates a table field in your template. (Requires optional optional fieldtype by Simon Ansell)
ptText\ Creates a text field in your template
ptTextarea\ Creates a a multi-line block of text in your template
ptTime\ Creates a time only field on your template
ptTimestamp\ Creates a timestamp field in your template (requires optional fieldtype by Monty Lewis)
ptVimeo\ Creates an Vimeo type field in your template. Requires Vimeo fieldtype
ptYoutube\ Creates an YouTube type field in your template. Requires YouTube fieldtype
reset\ Resets Typinator's variables for the Perch Expansion Set
suppress\ Adds the suppress tag for fields


Expansions for Perch CMS using Typinator 7+







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